Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

There is no link. There is also no civil war.

Didn’t know Mick Wallace was posting here.


The warnings were clear and are clear. If the west stands by and allows this there will a moral stain upon it which will last for the rest our lifetimes.

And I don’t care that the messenger is somebody I despise.

Hashtags and flags make no difference. Wiping out the barbaric Russian enemy with bombs does.

i meant the link above bud The United States Is Reaping What It Sowed in Ukraine -

How come those weapons aren’t banned ?

All bollocks. Russia will accept nothing other than unconditional surrender.

Profit in their sale.

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Have they any other progressive articles?

Id say so alright :grinning:

Pilger strikes again…

Pilger is now as much a pariah in the journalistic world as Putin is in the political world.

Go away you fool


Poor John must be at the Vodka.
What day did Putin rock into Ukraine again claiming he’d out the druggie Nazi again?

This cunt….

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the neo nazi thing means nothing to me, I would say 60% of that article is right tho

Would you?

Nope 70%