Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I see Putin has sent his buddy Oliver Stone out to bat for him on Twitter

MTG = Marjorie Taylor Greene the QAnon fruit loop from Georgia.

Can’t be too long before Conor McGregor joins him.

Haven’t read all this but have the Ukraine’s a rocket capable of hitting Moscow, and if they fired it would Putin nuke them?

100% idiot


Ewan is trying his best to find some angle. I genuinely believe he’s as thick as congealed pigshit.


The why is because he (Putin) perceives the West as weak and now was the time to strike, but in truth this has been simmering since 2014. Considering how internally divided western countries are and the lack of leadership, it’s not that surprising that Putin (and Xi) see us as weak. This is the beginning imo of a longer term conflict over natural resources (as all major wars are) between the West and China/Russia. No one knows how it will play out, but the post WWII era of relative peace and prosperity is likely (and sadly) over.

It’s a real wake up call for western Europe as it demonstrates hard power trumps soft power. What Putin is clearly saying (and doing) is he will destroy Ukraine rather than allow it become more aligned with the West, nobody paying attention since 2014 should be surprised at this. The bigger picture is the era of American domination on the world stage is over.

If Putin prevails it would be a huge boost to China and we can wave goodbye to Taiwan.


Zelensky has been a revelation


Hard to take seriously any article which uses language such as “reintegration of Crimea” & “decision to secede”.

Western mainstream media accounts instead date the crisis in Ukraine back to Russia’s reintegration of Crimea in 2014, and the decision by ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine to secede from Ukraine as the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics

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Cometh the hour

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Goes to show you’ll find an article from a publication with a serious name to prove any prejudice you want, a joke.

I think you’re underestimating the collective will of Europe has now been strengthened and Ukraine could now be a key cog in that wheel.

China are aware of that & are playing their cards very close to their chests to the obvious dismay of Putin.

If Putin fails here then China can cosy up to Ukraine and have the natural less aggressive passage to the lucrative trade in Europe they yearn.

China & Putin are probably shocked at the reaction of both Ukraine in defence of their Nation and the collective outcry of the worlds public.

The real turd in the room is the Republican Party or the cunts flying their racist vehicles under their banner.

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Who is we as regards waving goodbye to Taiwan by the way? America?

The world that values freedom and democracy.

Who’s the largest purchaser of Taiwan exports?

It’s not so long ago several posters on here were backing him and hoping he won the last election.

China followed by the US then Europe.

Just a few of the usual suspects in the edgy set that were supporting that loon Corbyn.

Interesting the Trump supporters are having a go at Jezza while electing to ignore the fact their hero was Putins biggest cheerleader the last 5 years