Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

On this? Since Biden came in? They are 0.00% to blame for this war. Zero. Point. Zero. Zero. Add another few zeroes.

You are still labouring under the utter delusion that anything Putin wanted was reasonable, or that Putin is reasonable.

Russia isn’t a state. It’s a criminal mafia empire bent on destruction of the west.

If you don’t get this now, you never, ever will.

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Apparently their interior minister 's place looks like shit.


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Wouldn’t even be sure he’s that smart. You’ve been giving him too much credit so far. (As have I)

UL have canceled Swan Lake in a show of solidarity. That news could push Labrov over the edge

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The Railway Bridge Athlone


T’was cancelled in DCU yesterday and Wexford today

The Rossies could invade other side of river now

Athlone should be the nations capital

My point has nothing to do with Biden, as always you see everything through the lens of right wing bad, left wing good. The reason you supported Corbyn even though his position is supposedly the opposite to your own on NATO. If Trump were in power you would be blaming the US for this crisis. You are a shallow thinker.

What do I mean by the US and NATO not being blameless? Start with the Iraq war when the US gave the green light for strong countries to invade sovereign independent countries based on lies. Those savvy on geopolitics warned of this at the time. How can you claim moral authority when you invade a country and kill a million people based on lies?

The narrative that NATO expansion isn’t a factor here is simply wrong and naive. NATO expansion, the emergence of a pro western government in Ukraine, Ukraine joining the EU, and most of all the West arming Ukraine are all connected, and Russia and China sees all of these as an effort by the West to expand control of eastern Europe that has been going on since 1999. When it was announced after the NATO summit in 2008 that Georgia and Ukraine would eventually join NATO, Putin said at the time that this would never happen, this was Russia’s line in the sand. The war in Georgia followed soon after that announcement. The annexation of Crimea and the support for Russian separatist efforts in eastern Ukraine all followed from the US backed 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s government. The effort to make Ukraine a western bulwark has now failed as no matter the outcome of this invasion, Putin or whoever replaces him in Russia will not allow it, and they have China’s backing.

NATO was formed as a defensive shield for western Europe against the threat of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact. I support it in that respect, but expanding to countries that border Russia is provocative. The best solution is that these countries stay politically neutral.

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Bullshit. Neutral means permanently in the shadow of Russia.


Fraulein Von der Leyen getting tough


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That’s a stretch of a statement

What countries did Russia invade or threaten from the fall of the USSR to 2008?

You think Russia with or without Putin would allow Ukraine and Georgia join NATO? I think a lot of people are very naive on this question.

There’s no point even responding to that. You haven’t a clue.

The right of free, democratic countries to govern and ally themselves as they see fit is entirely lost on you.


I would imagine the younger generation now give little or any fucks for the West / East divide anymore.

Most democratic countries see the world as global now.
People want to live & let live.

Russia can run its Country quite sensibly if they can remove that cunt at the helm.

Al Jazeera would be fairly biased towards Russia you’d imagine