Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Is that why we have a housing/rent crisis? #freemarket

Give the market more freedom and everyone prospers :smiley:

No that was Fine Gael.

You simply can’t compare Ireland, a country long established in the ‘free’ market and compliant with corporatism, with Ukraine. You’re deluded if you think the US are pumping money in there in the name of democracy. The only thing modern democracy does is introduce greater freedoms for corporates and multinationals.


I don’t think you even know what you’re trying to say here. I’ll Sid reply to this one.

I accept your surrender.

in support of this argument, one word:


cc @balbec

What’s the feeling on the ground about what’s likely to actually happen now? Belarus seen as an Ally to Putin I’d imagine.
If the Ukraine was gone after then Belarus follows?

Leaves Poland wide open to further advances from Russia, no?

They are all chill in Ukraine.
Poland increasingly aligning their values with Russia more than the EU

The problem with Glas and co is they have zero joined up thinking. It’s just one bleeding heart cause after another. They simply can’t see the Macro they are so consumed with the micro.

“Ukraine” only the Russians call it “the Ukraine”, in an effort to diminish its status as an actual country. Russia won’t invade a NATO member, that would be silly.

Who are you?


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Are we team Russia or team Or Ukraine?

Not team Russia anyway. A country riddled in human rights abuses and corruption.

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From what I can see most of the self styled hard leftists side with Russia, which is an empire-obsessed, arch-kleptocratic, arch-capitalist state.

The hard right love Russia.

It’s an example of horseshoe theory in action.

So only 2% a year?

A lovely term.

My only argument is the west do this through the guise of the free market. Other than that I don’t disagree with your stance on Russia.

You aren’t interested in internal Ukrainian politics, so stop pretending you are.

Ukraine should be allowed follow its own path.

Russia refuses to let it.

That’s what this is about.

It’s probably taken a while to frack and set up the institutions that will profit. Takes a while to dismantle things and get up and running kid… It could actually be more than 20%…