Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I never claimed to be. Those internal politics you care so deeply about are clearly influenced by the US so it’s not the Ukrainian people freely following their own path.


Belarus is a client state of Russia always. Nothing will change there. Polish Government are pro an Independent Ukraine but if you scratch the surface you’ll find some of the smaller parties supporting the Government are funded by Russia. NATO membership is a big thing here and there are already US forces here. The Government were quite ambivalent about Biden being elected and were one of the last countries to congratulate him. Not too smart in retrospect if the armour starts rolling across Belarus. The Soviets took on the Poles in 1920 and got their arses handed to them. They’ll be wary enough of the Poles but the Baltic States will be right in the firing line.

I’m not sure Christ was a support of unregulated capitalism , didn’t he run traders from the synagogue?

It’s great to see your naivety on full display tho…

‘It’s about Ukraine choosing it’s own path’ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

A lot did change there. The people of Belarus did not want to be a vassal state of Russia. Lukashenko was democratically voted out and turned full tyrant to stay in power. This is what a “Russian sphere of influence” offers.

It ain’t me who’s naive, bro. Keep spouting your dumb cliches by all means.

Like it or not much of Eastern Europe looks east to Russia for social , economic & cultural reasons .

And let’s be honest certain swathes of Germany do too

Yeah, you’ve got nothing, we get it.

Nice self own.

Serbia and where else?

The reality is Russia is hated in most of eastern Europe. Little wonder, considering it had eastern Europe under its thumb for five decades.

Hungary , Poland , Bulgaria etc

Why did they all join the EU so and the more of them queuing up? There is something about 50 years of Soviet admin/bureacracy that was embedded in the way the countries were run that is only now disappearing with the younger generations. Mindsets.



Is anti EU sentiment not growing in Poland?

That is true but Russia is different than say 30 years ago

Many saw the EU as an ATM - look at Paddy

The governments in Poland and say Hungary are looking east

These countries are seeing what the free market is and they don’t like it.

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Some are & others are not - winners & losers

So why are they in NATO and not looking to leave it?

You said most of eastern Europe looks to Russia.

You’ve provided no evidence.

And what has this to do with Russia interfering in Ukraine?

That’s the issue.

Russia has no right whatsoever to occupy part of Ukraine and threaten to occupy the rest of it, or to have a say in what it does.

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@padjo ,have a listen

Not really. The idiots in the Government stoke it up though through their compliant media. If push came to shove the Poles would not leave. We said that about the Brits though.