Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Russia is no different to how it was three hundred years ago. They want a Tsar. They need a Tsar to rule them.

The Governments of Poland and Hungary are looking east for ideas on how to subvert democracy and establish permanent rule and rob the exchequer. But the people aren’t. At least not those they aren’t bribing.


Both governments were democratically elected .

They have support .

You’re catching up.


If Germany played Russia in soccer who would the polish people cheer ??

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You simple cunt.


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The Ukraine is much the same is it not, full of Oligarchs? I doubt there’s much appetite there for ‘democracy’ … The west thinks they should have it whether they like it or not.

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They elected a comedian as President. That says a lot about their desire for democracy

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Someone the US could relate to.

More likely to cheer for the Germans. Bit like me watching Cork v Tipp though.

You obviously know a lot more about it than the guy who has lived here for 26 years.


You tell us what it says, so?

Was it the 96 final made you emigrate?

Fellas on here probably can’t point out the Ukraine and Russia on a map but yet are experts on their internal affairs.

It’s remarkable the broad range of experts we have on tfk.

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This is TFK

No. I was due to come over in autumn 1995. The day after we lost the Munster Final I rang up and said I’ll be over earlier :frowning:

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In fairness anyone with a secondary education should be able to pick out Ukraine on a map.


Aye, they’re very easy to identify, they call Ukraine “the Ukraine”.

If you don’t know the name of the country at the centre of all this it’s a bit of a giveaway you haven’t a notion about the issue.

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July 1995, you picked a right month to leave Ireland.

That genuinely the case? Thought the poles absolutely despised the Russians?