Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

It’s fascinating to watch you open your legs for likes.


You seem to find a lot of things fascinating to watch.

Ivory tower life views….

If you know what a nuclear war means then you’d not contemplate any course of action that leads to one

Carry on asking questions now.

I presume he’s on the vino.

Not sure what you’re on - thin ice ?

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What’s even more fascinating is the same lads who spent the last 20 years hating on the US and it’s military are now squealing like stuck pigs for the US to come and save Europe.

The same lads who idolize Jeremy Corbyn who hates NATO and wants it disbanded are now demanding NATO take action.

The same lads who call themselves “socialists” and would have been aligned with the USSR and against the US and UK now calling for all out war against the ex KGB agent.

The fake left are truly fascinating.


Am I the only one who couldn’t give two fucks about this whole thing?


2 knowledgeable guests on Prime Time here along with Fianna Fáil Parliamentary meeting source

No. Its totally out of our control. Nothin we can do about it

This fucking eejit thinks that we have sufficient lethal weapons to give to Ukraine. A few DVD copies of Lethal Weapon maybe.

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They always fuck you at the drive through.

He is 100% correct.

If Putin is not defeated because he threatened nukes, it is carte blanche for every despot in the world who has nukes to consummate whatever batshit blood and soil irredentist fascist fantasy they fancy, by merely threatening nuclear war. Forever.

And the despots who don’t currently have nukes will quickly get their own, probably through buying them from Russia.

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Are the US the only country to have ever detonated nukes on innocent victims?



You are literally on the same page as Corbyn, except far worse, blaming the US, blaming NATO, and morally ambivalent about Putin, all because you want eternal far right, Putin style rule in the US.

You’re the same guy who said this:

And this:

You haven’t a leg to stand on here.

You’ve disgraced yourself.

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Fucking hell.

All you have now is shouting nonsense. Being on the wrong side of history tends to reduce people to that.