Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I’m really just triggered by the hypocrites who are exposing their faux outrage when they turned a blind eye up north and to what is happening in Palestine and Yemen.


That poster in 2016 was 100% correct, the West’s policies towards Russia after the breakup of the USSR laid the groundwork for what is currently happening. Europe was very happy to buy Russian oil and gas as long as he “stayed over there”, essentially paid for his military build up.

The reason we have a war is due to a failure of diplomacy, mainly due to useless woke cunts like Blinken in the US government, and a president who is essentially asleep at the wheel.

It’s a bizarre departure but then again the same crackpot turned into a fascist authoritarian during Covid so it’s not a new revelation.

I’m very consistent in that I am against imperialism and fascism and my stances on this war the reaction the pandemic were in line with my anti-imperialist and anti-fascism stance.



I don’t know how you can defend the West when they have armed, aided and abetted genocide in the middle east for 20 odd years.

But Russia…

The only position the West have on this is Russophobia. They could be 100% right on Russia’s invasion being immoral and unjustifiable but they are the same grouping who support terror and war crimes in Yemen and Palestine for decades.

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To fail to recognise that Putin is 100% responsible is equivalent to saying that Hitler and the Nazis were not 100% to blame for the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939.

As I have said several times, understanding who is to blame for this war this is a basic litmus test of a person’s humanity.

You keep taking the test and keep failing it.

And worse every time.

And what is also clear is that as well as hating America and wanting to destroy anything good or decent about it, you hate humanity.

Chomsky is one of the most respect political commentators in the world and very much anti-war and anti-imperialism.

He is very frank on the role US and NATO have played in provoking Russia for years.

Maybe he’s a fifth columnist though?

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I didn’t shout anything. You’re the shouty lad. Continue advocating for WWIII. The policy of mass death.

I love my country, the ones who hate America are woke cunts like you. Don’t worry though, the US will eventually get rid of Putin one way or another. And it will be done by brave conservative kids, not useless woke cunts.

Now get fucked warmonger.

How do you know what Putin thinks?
Does it make any difference to you in any case. You’re happy to sacrifice the country and its population because you’re a bit further away.

The first time the Aughnacloy Shaman typed the word “Yemen” on this forum was at 11:44am today.

A bandwagon hopper.

But former poster @Sidney was calling out the US backed Saudi campaign against Shias in Yemen for years.

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You hate America. You think you love America in the same way Putin thinks he loves Russia. By helping to bring about its destruction through racism, censorship, disinformation, vilification of those not like you. Tyranny, in other words.

You call me a warmonger and then say conservative American kids are going to rid of Putin.

That may well be the stupidest line ever written in the history of the internet.

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Why don’t you head off to Kiev? You could have loads of Russians killed by now using the energy expended on here.


Incorrect I have a long and noted track record speaking out against the Saudi and Israeli regimes.

I am a vocal critic of US and its imperialism and I am consistent in that I condemned Russia and Putin as soon as they invaded Ukraine.

On the other hand, we now have warmongers cheerleadin the West and wanting them to intervene in Ukraine without a shred of condemnation for their role in Palestine and Yemen.

Can the Doxxer tell us if Chomsky is a fifth columnist for Russia or if he was bang on the money 7 years ago about NATO and the US and their role in Ukraine?

Are you Neville Chamberlain?

You genuinely must be one of thickest bastards ever to commit a finger to a keyboard.

And it’s Kyiv, not Kiev.

Stage 4.


Prophetic from me a year or so ago.

With the meddling of the west this war would never have happened. That does not mean that Russia are not wrong in their invasion or guilty of war crimes here either.

Just do out a list of edgelord cliches and enter them into a Russian bot app for all your future posts, buddy.

Go to bed lads for fuck sake go to bed

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