Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Hardly any worse than the fella with the private zoo

Should have gone for a primary school teacher I suppose?

As per usual you seem like you are on top off your brief.

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Where did he infer that? You’re very defensive about Ukraine

Serious question - if the Russians invade what will the west do ???

I’m not aware that he inferred anything from his own statement, you’d have to ask him himself if he did.

You need to chill, you’re losing the run of yourself here.

I certainly do not but like it or not both governments were elected

Where did you infer that?

They were. It’s how they’ve changed post election is what makes it interesting.

There will definitely be an outbreak of hand wringing.


Russian ambassadors in various countries would be invited to various dept of foreign affairs to be told this development is concerning

The supporters of ‘democracy’ on here don’t like discourse. It’s always the same with these lefty head bangers. It’s their way or no way.

Ukraine is a very corrupt country that has shown very little desire to change politically despite two supposed uprisings. It’s still dominated by Oligarchs filling their coffers. The West fears this type of corruption leaves Ukraine open to Russian interference so wants to force western ‘democracy’ on Ukraine for the good of the Ukrainian people, allegedly. It just happens to coincide that Ukrainian natural resources, state owned bodies and huge tracts of land all being sold to corporate bodies at the same time democracy is being introduced. All the while billions of dollars is being pumped in from the US out of the goodness of their hearts and to see democracy flourish. Putin on the other side is afraid of his shit that Ukraine goes west and shows his Russian subjects that there’s another way to govern/live, thus ending his dictatorship and the great dream of the Russian federation Catherine the Great once envisaged… In the middle of it all is gas. Who supplies who and who controls what.

Is that about the size of it?


Polarus - the future bar a few progressive neighborhoods full of oddballs

There’s pockets of different opinions in all those countries but the majority in all of them absolutely despise the Russians.

I remember when I was doing the Trans-Mongolian through Siberia, I was with 3 Hungarian guys. They were telling me how their grandfather had been captured by the Russians at the end of WW2, transported to Siberia for a few years and then one day basically told to start walking home. They despised the place and were cheering when we crossed the border into Mongolia. They also hated Moscow because it reminded them of decades of Communism.

They do look to Russia culturally more than we do but that’s a different thing. I think a fair comparison would be Ireland’s relationship with England. You’ve got pockets of West Brits and we look to it culturally but we still hate it (or we used to).

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Putins’ Russia is not communist, culture is up river of politics

if you are winning the culture war, the politicians follow

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Well those were young Hungarian lads who despised Russia so it seems the politics are not following.

Edit: even in Hungary, they might not be as culturally linked with the US as Ireland but they’re still part of a greater Central European history with Austria, the Czech’s the Germans, etc. They look to all that as well.

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100 unread posts, I thought they were after going to war :joy:

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They did - Russia and Ukraine remain peaceful yet :sunglasses:


For fuck sake… another thread ruined by this thick cunt.

Nobody gives a fuck about all that shite, we’re just excited to see if it’s going to kick off, piss off to another thread if ye want to “discuss” ye’re fucking world view :roll_eyes: :zzz: