Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Which of them?

They’re on the way
Scramble the fighter jets to monitor them

Send that photo to Greta

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We’ll have to scramble a couple of currachs from Valentia to go out and meet them.


Element of surprise
They won’t be expecting that in fairness


You think conflict won’t effect us?

Fuck off to the Facebook page of the LAD Bible.

Facebook, would that be right wing leaning now or would it be left wing leaning etc etc blah blah :zzz:

Just fuck up you boring cunt

Of the course it will. But do we really need another thread for this absolute pothole to spout shite on?

Who the fuck are you again? :grinning:

Enjoy paying for heating oil & diesel if it does crack off.

The savvy guys with Electric Cars will be laughing.

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The Russian missile test is only a cod

The story is that the Chinese have asked Putin to delay the invasion until after the Winter Olympics.

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2 prong attack on Ukraine and Taiwan. Sleepy joe will be caught napping

2 Wongs don’t want a fight.

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Yourself and Balbec have it figured out and ye have saved the planet. Fair play.

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When I was in the reserve navy (An Slua Muirí) it was the height of the Cold War. One night after marching around the square for a few minutes, the Commandant ushered us inside into the incident room to outline the plan for the defence of the harbour should the Soviets attack. The expectation was that the Soviets would come up the harbour in a warship as far as Cheekpoint and destroy the power station at Little Island. He had unfurled all of the maps of the harbour and had a pointy stick to show us the potential flashpoints. To delay this as long as possible to allow some of our naval ships to come on the scene we were to row out from the bridge in Waterford armed with our Lee Enfields and engage the Soviet warships in a sea battle.

Needless to say I left the Slua shortly afterwards.


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