Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

They are indeed. The local legend is that old man Beshoff (now long deceased) was on the Battleship Potemkin

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A good yarn anyway


A couple of interesting topics trending there

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I’d prefer The Kingfisher on Parnell Street myself

They got rid of the bottles of vinegar on the tables there after they realised that the junkies were dipping their needles in them to sterilize them.


Just as well I don’t use vinegar

Dunkirk, my mistake!

Ah jaysus

A noble spot

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The range of the Lee Enfield 303 is 3000 yards. Ye could have easily taken them out from the banks.
Perhaps ye were on a kamikaze mission.

I fear the Commandant was intent on making a noble sacrifice of us, like the Ulstermen at the Somme.

I wasn’t having any of that. I only joined up because you could get a large bottle for a £1 a go after manouvres on a Wednesday night.


Manoeuvres? We used call them drills in kk.
On camp then in Waterford. No bar in the barricks then. And NO FCA signs on most of the pub doors.

A pity the world was spared “manoeuvres” attempted in a KK accent.

Seemingly they were called oats.
@iron_mike got his oats in kk.

Given the last 3 years, nothing would surprise me.

Alien landing can’t be far off at this rate

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It always was, they don’t mass 120k troops from the good of their health.

Another keyboard general here …

Who do you think is going to be pointing the FCA where to go?