Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The Irish fishermen were very quick to praise Mother Russia after meeting the ambassador yesterday. They were falling over each other to give the Kremlin their blessing.

Please don’t quote that idiot again.

120k troops wouldn’t get them to the nearest shop in the Ukraine. They’d need 4 times that if they were serious.

Apparently they have none of the stuff required for an invasion with them in terms of equipment etc. Just bodies. And understrength platoons at that.

It’s all for show

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It’s basically a dick waving contest.

It’d be interesting to see how the Russian weaponry held up against the best and newest US stuff.

The 700 billion a year the US spend on their military must get them something

Military men like myself and @Thomas_Brady will know that when the logistics and supply lines are in place the invasion is “a go”.

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No one knows better than the Russians the importance of supply lines.

Correct. And it’s long supply lines to Western Ukraine.

Supposedly, if he was to do it, he wouldn’t cross the Dnieper. Anyone who might be in anyway favourable to him is on the Russia side of that. Which would be about a third of Ukraine. Some of which they have already. Always good to have a big river in the way as a border as well

Probably why us Galway heads hold the river suck in so much esteem. Separating us from the Roscommon savages.


You’re a very naive young fella.

You don’t have to have to cross the Dnieper if you’re coming from the north.

Russia already tried to take areas west of the Dnieper in 2014 and landlock Ukraine. I don’t know why people think they wouldn’t try again.

The green bit here is what they wanted to take in 2014.

A dick waving competition in Eastern Europe in January won’t reflect well on anyone.


I don’t know where you’re getting your information but mine says they’re set to go all the way to Kiev.

Kiev is on the Dnieper mate

Are the Russians afraid of rivers?

If you were in Kiev and you wanted Chicken Kiev. Would you just order Chicken?


The reason for the seeming perpetual anger in Russia is beginning to become clear. No wonder they don’t want to give an inch.

I wouldn’t imagine so mate. It’s just a convenient boundary. They don’t want to go further because there’d be a very hostile population, see Iraq, Afghanistan etc for how that ends

What do yis call a limerick in Limerick?