Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

A steamer

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We should do a whip round on here and send you to the front line to do some on the ground reporting.

In Ukraine or Limerick?

Do the Russians still have a version of the Katyusha rocket that was used during WW2? Apparently the noise of them drove the German soldiers demented.

Yes. They’ll play this on repeat.


:rofl: :rofl:

They still make them

Stalin’s organ

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They haven’t played amhran na bhfiann yet lads. They’re still at the parade. Relax.

It’s a massive issue operationally and logistically to deal with a river when at war. Every advantage is with the defending force. It’s a fantastic natural defence line and the dnipier is a cunt of a river to cross as many found out about 80 years ago

Never trust a word the word the Russians say, or write.

Translation: January 28, 2003 - the Agreement on the Russian-Ukrainian border was signed, which the Russian Federation violated in 2014. The agreement is still in force, in which Crimea is Ukraine.

Why are are racist against Russia?

Who’s are?

That’s you that is

You mean the scummy Russians?

So we couldn’t change Northern Ireland status pre 98 even if 85% voted to re-unite with the republic like Crimea did a few years ago?
Democracy and common sense should usurp a law or treaty that is no longer appropriate .

Or maybe you think someone who jumps over a cactus to rescue a kid in Arizona deserves to be punished for technically breaking the law

No I mean the land of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Tarkovski, Tsaikovski, Shostakovich, Pushkin.

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The idiot

Don’t forget Borgov !

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