Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

[quote=“glenshane, post:5273, topic:16906, full:true”]

No one forced you to come out with that inane comment about a war being desirable because ‘young people are too used to free money’. You made the statement, unforced. So you should own the statement, beyond passive aggressive whimsy. You might now be a bit uncomfortable with having made that statement, in whatever key, but you alone said it, à propos of not much. I was struck by the sheer bizarreness.

You appear to believe, à la the QAnon crowd, the world needs to be cleansed. I would say that belief is the foundation of your worldview. I consider any such perspective troubled and troubling. The idea that thousands and thousands of needless deaths from Covid would have been more or less fine comes from the same mindset. You are a Videodrome merchant. And a type of nihilist, as per the climate change bullshit.

I have no solution to offer on Ukraine, although you appear to think you do: namely, let Putin have his way. Why the dance of the one veil on this topic, I do not know.

That the anti vaxx/‘Covid is a hoax’ merchants are now pro Putin nearly to a person is not lost on anyone with a scree of wit. All comes back to worldview. Not much wisdom will ever accrue from merely servicing a temperament.

As unfortunately needs to be pointed out again, the words “peace” and “no war” mean entirely different things depending on whether you are inside Russia (or Belarus or any other country with a regime which supports Putin) or outside Russia.

In this case the words take on an entirely honorable and brave meaning, because they are targeted directly at Putin and the Russian people, and because there will be consequences for the woman who voiced them.

10 days to win or lose the war

The next two weeks are crucial.


Jaysus. I hope putin didn’t read some alleged throwaway hyperbole on tfk and decide it was ok to invade Ukraine.
Tell me this- does the alleged undiscoverable half remembered remark mean I’m pro war on young people getting free money, or just pro war in ukraine, and how did you arrive at your answer?

I cant deal with the ‘Qanon claire byrne lapsed catholic covid climate birds and snakes, an aeroplane and Lenny Bruce is not afraid’ analysis… right …now, but i appreciate it nonetheless- ill get to it eventually i suppose

word salad


  1. a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, specifically (in psychiatry) as a form of speech indicative of advanced schizophrenia.

They appealed to an ingrained nastiness bigotry and arrogance that was already there. They were pushing on an open door, just greased the hinges a bit.

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Ah here. All but one person from the stance OIUTF faction are furiously opposed to putin and the cunt acting he is doing. I speak for the sound minded OIUTFers who werent anti vax but got the damn thing even if after the fact it was not very effective for the under 50s. And we have been through that arguement and will not go back here.

But being OIUTF doesnt make you pro putin.

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Always there but Which probably wouldn’t have been possible without the likes of social media etc…

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As far as I can see, the online networks which spread anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine propaganda have all switched to being pro-Putin.

This was entirely predictable.


We can safey say that 90% of the anti vax content probably came from a russian troll farm. But i am speaking for this forum at least. Thankfully covid is in the past now but myself and yourself got into the mud, furiously disagreeing on that topic but we’re in total agreement on this war.

Unfortunately it increasingly looks like Covid is far from in the past, given that Hong Kong, which apparently has a 72.3% vaccination rate, is recording world record death rates per head of population.

Though that is obviously to be primarily discussed in the relevant thread, it could have very serious implications as regards this war, because war is the perfect condition for disease to spread.

Tell me buddy. Who on the forum has been remotely pro putin invading ukraine? I appreciate that a few lads have tried to portray me as such…with some vague recollection about free money for teenagers presented as evidence, along with some childish faux moral outrage about something theyre unable to articulate.

Dont bother mentioning the putin fan club who sang his praises before the invasion…thats neither here nor there in our strange revisionism.

Everyone is opposed to Putin. He didn’t have to invade. He’d made his point.
But invade he did and it’s going to be the biggest mistake any world leader has made this century and beyond.

The worry is turning on average Russians. Facebooks saying they will allow calls for violence on Russians gets us nowhere in the long run


Look mate you have been defendung his motives and blaming the wests policies post spviet union collapse on this, naybe more could have been done to stop putin gaining so much power over the years but hes cleaely a madman and his actions over the last few weeks are inexcusable. No point in bringing up opinions from before the war, i agree with you there. I myself joked about it as i didn’t believe he was as deranged i we see now, on top of the wests recentrecord of provoking unjustified wars . Hopefully he gets the gaddafi treatment

Maybe you could show me where i have defended his motives for invading Ukraine, anywhere …i might have explained them though. Im happy to do so again, for anyone who can cope with such an affront to their precious self image. Maybe his motives have ro be in a history book before wallflowers find themselves sufficiently distanced etc. And i put it all 100% down to western policies did i? Really? I doubt that youve put any thought or honesty into that statement.

Scandal brewing here at DUB. Nowhere to put hundreds of Ukrainians

Finally got the last of them sorted.


Where did you put them?

The four corners of Ireland