Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

There was an interview from Berlin on R4 this morning in which the chief organiser of on the ground refugee aid said that they weren’t worried about the refugees’ status, they were worried about offers of ‘help’ being traffickers and slave traders.

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Yeah a few of them have told me about “agents” on borders, particularly Slovakia, who are charging massive money to help them cross.

Google translate pal

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The Battle of Bondi Junction with his fellow roasters.

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not sure about @Rocko and @Phil_Leotardo who have also offered up a room, but we logged ours over a week ago now and have not been contacted about it. Maybe they are prioritising urban offers over rural areas, and it probably takes a bit of time to verify all the offers to make sure they are suitable too. We havent got anything back though, no recognition of the offer or its being processed. It would be a shame though that we have so many people willing to offer up rooms or accommodation and yet still have it in a messy situation with people not being sheltered.

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I hear @Tank’s house is free?

Ashutosh is busy working on a script to convert all the pledge forms into a spreadsheet which will be in @Batigol’s paw any day now.

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We tried to log on for this in the UK, but the system has crashed under the weight of applications which, knowing Priti vile, it was probably designed to do.

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You’d hope there would be some class of vetting process and some of these poor people don’t end up with Tom Humphries type characters.

They were talking about it on the radio there, they’re going to get people to look at the offered houses and work on Garda vetting.

@Cheasty waiting at the door for his new guests, lotion in hand.

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More like this…


Hasnt Hillary constantly been called a war criminal?

Putin speaking in the last few minutes, I couldn’t help noticing two particular words here:


a somewhat different issue, but the Garda vetting process in Ireland is some joke. I’ve had to make 3 separate garda vetting process because they dont operate under one central system. so to be garda vetted for soccer, GAA etc, you have to make an application each and every time. Ridiculous, why they cant have an overall application to get Garda vetted and then you can use that vetting number for all the sports and organisations after that and have it renewed whenever deemed necessary. Some jobsworth in the gardai doing these things the whole time and processing the same people multiple times when it should be far more efficient.


Is that not the organisations insisting on volunteers doing their own individual course? We did the Sport Ireland one as a stopgap last year but need everyone to do the gah one again now

I had to do two separate child protection courses to coach hurling and gaelic football.

No. You have to do a new Garda vetting every time you sign up to a new club,charity etc.