Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

no, thats the safguarding course, which also is a complete sham too. Sport Ireland govern it and their guidelines are that it is up to each individual organisation if they will accept the same sport ireland cert for another sport. FAI will accept the GAA one (which I found out after the fact). GAA wont accept others. In the FAI safeguarding, they tell you that “this course will be accepted by others, so you wont have to do it again”. In the GAA course, they tell you “you have to do each sport individually, the only way this can be overturned is by having a referendum on it”. And sport Ireland shrug their shoulders and say its up to each organisation. And the courses the exact same with the same stories and scenarios, even going as far as having the same name on the fictional kids who are subs. Jokeshop.

Garda vetting then is a separate thing that you have to do for each individual sport.

That’s what I was on about alright. Daft entirely

May have been answered elsewhere but is there a way to donate to the needs of those arriving? Not in a position to take in people but would happily contribute to those arriving some other way if knew where to direct it?


I’d say just donate to the Red Cross. A lot of stuff is getting donated here but a lot of it will end up being wasted

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try your local lions club

a lot of them are doing collections for people arriving in the areas


Same as that for two different sports clubs. Needless replication of work.

A lot of civilians inside apparently.

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  1. Russia has attacked a theatre in Mariupol where civilians have been sheltering, the city’s deputy mayor tells the BBC
  2. Between 1,000 and 1,200 people may have been inside, Serhiy Orlov says. The number of casualties is currently unknown

He is seething and paranoid, and so he should be. He has destroyed his own country.

By way of comparison

Mrs ccha had a Ukrainian grandad into school with his newly arrived granddaughter yesterday to get registered. He was back today to confirm it along with a photograph of her in the uniform. She will be in on Monday.

It is moving quickly. The world changes and people adapt


Haven’t heard anything either. I think they are using existing Ukrainian connections first but I expect they’ll be in touch for vetting in the coming days.

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All these claps on the back & standing ovations will stand him in good stead during the next shelling of Kyiv.


Nothing so far

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Hey, Biden called Putin a war criminal for the 1st time today.
It’s kind of a big deal.


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Probably wont do any harm…maybe he should have tried diplomacy first though, preferably before a shot was fired

Diplomacy before a shot was fired?

Can you explain to us why Russia invaded Ukraine again?