Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)


Arent you happy with the detranged imperialist explanation…it usually works

So, nothing again?


Hon Biden

Ive a number of posts explaining his reasons. I could explain again but you’re as ignorant now as ever. Did you read the letter …the one with the 50 signatures, or the memo from the current head of the cia?

Dunno where to put this but the numerous mentions of Putin needing to die means this is the winner
As a famous drunken Australian once said, ‘this is democracy manifest’ :laughing:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1504157531450580997|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

Putin has no interest in diplomacy. All the west can do is pour in weapons and let the Ukrainians defeat the Russians. This is the only diplomacy that will work with him. The only other option it to capitulate if he’s not beaten in Ukraine he’ll have to be beaten somewhere else.


Something to keep an eye on here. The explosions could just be sonic booms but who knows.

Sounds like the perfect time for diplomacy. Putin will be looking for an exit strategy as much as anyone…

Diplomacy after the invasion

That’ll teach him good & proper

There’s no diplomacy with him. He’s all in on defeating Ukraine and he’s going to fail.

These “talks” seem to be existing in a parallel universe which depends on Putin being removed.

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According to sky news here the Chinese are playing a bit of peeping tom with Taiwan

They’ll do nothing their global trade is multiples of Russia and won’t want to rock that boat

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117 hospitals bombed.

One hundred and seventeen. Hospitals. Bombed.


Why are both sides holding talks…diplomatic ones maybe?

Even Troy McClure won’t go on tucker.

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As captain James T Kirk said of the Kilngons in Star Trek the undiscovered country. “They’re animals”

Russians = Klingons

=Kerry Fans