Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

That’s true absolutely, but has nothing whatever to do with the case in hand. Simple whataboutery. We have made enquiries about hosting, but have got nowhere. Priti is to my mind obfuscating and actively making things difficult. Anyone who has opened their home, and that of their loved ones to a stranger and had done so in full knowledge of the level of emotional cost that may bring is admirable. It could tear you apart. You’d hope not, but it could. It’s going to be a very difficult balance.
I actually think a working farm would be a great place to host.


Btw smark is just about the least gobshite poster here.


Ukranians arrested 160 saboteurs in Kiev yesterday. Local passport holders acting as spotters to identify bombing targets.

I flew back into Dublin airport yesterday. There was a sign with a Ukrainian flag and arrows for those poor people to follow, at arrivals. Not sure if @Batigol was on duty or not.

Two young women were at the desk interacting with the immigration people. Seemed to just have the clothes on their back. It really is awful.

I can’t even watch the news anymore. RTE manage to find people crying and upset every night and I can’t bear to watch such grief playing out only a few hours away from us. Maybe people like me are the problem, rather than giving €50 to the Irish Red Cross I should be doing something/anything more to help these people.

Locally there’s a church gate collection this weekend and I will support that but it really is a helpless situation. I’ve incredible respect for anyone who takes strangers in and houses them, feeds them, supports them, brings their child to the local school, gives them toys and above all is just decent enough to treat scared, frightened, vulnerable people like that.

War is a horrible thing. Puts my complaining over diesel prices into context. Hard to see this conflict improving any time soon. Just very sad.


I was watching a bit of sky news with the wife ladt night. God forgive me but I turned around and said to her. “Fuck it. Just nuke the Kremlin. The time has come” Up to now was always erring on the side of caution but whats going on over there would break your heart

Fcuking cnuts. I wonder what would happen if the Russians caught Ukrainian people at it. **

**I know what would happen

Did he say it on the internet, though?

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Just for a bit of balance!

I hope you hsve your bullet proof vest on. When @Cheasty gets out of bed this afternoon, hes going to come for you.

They are going to get a rough death you’d imagine.

Dunno about that, the Ukrainians are going for the Irish soccer supporter v the English fan abroad approach from the little that I’ve seen

Hearts and minds

A right wing conspiracy theorist is balance.


This one is exactly the type of person @Cheasty talks about. A right wing Trump supporter who parrots mental fascist theories and is employed by Fox news, thinks covid is a hoax and defends Russia. Its a literal full house of bollix.


Yeah. They didn’t mess around with the fella in the negotiating delegation that they said was a spy.

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You must be a bit curious though ? Lads who screeched for blue mercy about some proud boys but are ambivalent about state funded, politically active, elected, professed, proud actual nazis…nazis who murdered millions and state the same policies as hitlers nazis. Whats your thinking here? Are you frightened to think in case lads accuse you of supporting the invasion of Ukraine?

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Rightly so

What does Frank Bruno think?

The QAnons are circling

Everybody needs to read this, if only to confront in their own heads the evil and the wanton suffering human beings are capable of inflicting on other human beings.

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