Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

By and large yes, closeness to Western Europe obviously matters, nevermind the chance of WW3 breaking out between NATO/Russia.

It’s a good question and not one that I think we could honestly answer until it’s on our doorstop. If we were invaded and a crowd was coming across the Shannon Estuary invading your village, killing people you know, forcing people to be displaced (far beyond North Kerry). Would you get out of dodge, or would you stay? I really don’t know myself what I would do in that situation

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I’m thinking about late 60s, early 70s up north. Would I have “pitched in” or not. If I were from Belfast would I have stayed or just emigrated.
It’s a hard question. Would I put my life on the line?

I can understand why people leave. Keep the family intact. There’s an estate up here nicknamed Little Belfast. Shannon as well is full of people who left the North in 70s.

We have protagonists on here, who take over every thread, who display this trait time and again. Despite the real world being largely grey, these people operate in black and white. It suggests they’ve no experience of the real world and need to stop refreshing Twitter every 5 minutes. These people just want a cause and have no interest in consequences or narratives other than their own extreme ramblings.


There’s been a few articles recently outlining what a deal might look like, one in the Irish times last week I think. All largely the same elements. Crimea is gone since 2014 really.

As good and all as Arnie spoke, and he spoke the truth, you can see how the Russians can explain it away - he’s an actor, a US politician, a Republican, an Austrian, a Germanic, the son of a Nazi etc etc.

There was one moronic one yesterday from the BBC saying Zelensky would agree to no NATO and neutrality…even though Zelensky himself said none of this was going to happen on Twitter.

You couldn’t believe that cunt’s watch.

Fair enough i suppose

Nonetheless Crimea and the two Republics being in Russia’s hands is going to be a constant - if not unsurmountable - issue for Ukraine security, particularly after it’s clear Putin has no qualms invading.

Look, you’re not the brightest… But the US will decide what’s what here. You think they’ve pumped nearly 6 billion into Ukraine for shits and giggles? Maybe you need Biggie Ice to do a rap about it to grasp the situation.


Excellent point, and with both Biden/Zelensky extremely bullish and the sanctions doing their work, god only knows what Putin will resort to to “break” the Ukraine resistance.

This is why it’s not currently in Ukraine’s interest to make any deal. No “deal” with Putin’s name on it is worth the scrap of paper it’s written on.

Neither is it in Putin’s interest to make a “deal”. If that happens, he has lost.

And it isn’t in the world’s interest to have Putin make a “deal” that leaves him in place.

Ukraine needs to push on and rout the Russians.


They are. That means it’s impossible for Ukraine to join NATO and it probably always was. A deal saying Ukraine won’t join NATO and Russia keeps Crimea with security guarantees for Ukraine - from the US and Turkey and others - is probably the main parts of a deal in the end.

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Where do you start with the delusion here.

Nailed it as usual.

Ukraine will never be a member of NATO.

Fucking septic god-botherers are the worst



How do you quash this monster in the wake of a Ukraine victory. It’s one of the reasons Ukraine shouldn’t be let near EU membership.