Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

@padjo is the best of us


Lads writing paragraphs clamped by @padjo in one or two sentences


I wonder which way these edgelords will hop when Putin uses nerve gas on a Ukrainian city?
They’ll probably try telling us the Azov lads did it.


Sure Wyatt

Isn’t wyatt buried up Vlads hoop?

You can take the boy out of moyross but you can’t take the moyross out of the boy.

Good one mate … Stick to posting Twitter links, that’s your level…

I see the circle jerkers are out flagging posts also… The boys spouting on about ‘freedom’ :smile:

Sure I’ll stick to the Twitter links and you can stick to calling other posters handicaps and retards. What slur will you use next? Spastic?

No. Theyll say putin did it, that he’s a murderer and that he deserves everything that comes his way. Are lads like @Gman @balbec or @carryharry being edgy when they dismiss or excuse the significance nazi death, torture and kidnap squads- trained and armed by the US and an integral part of the Ukrainian governments response to conflict since 2014 ?

Throw up some credible or as you’ll call them far right website articles to support those claims, matey.

Here you go bucko. You could do this yourself

Appears a US NATO plane taking part in the NATO exercises has crashed in Norway.

I think I’ll wait for Russell Brand’s statement on the topic.


The level of anger you seem to display since you came back is off the charts mate. You all good?

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What’s your take on it?

My overall take is that the indiscriminate killing of civilians by Putin’s bombs far outweighs the actions of a few hundred wankers in fancy dress. I’d like to see a ceasefire immediately and peace talks but I’m not optimistic on that.


That is nothing more than an empty platitude. Your few hundred wankers in silly costumes are the mere vanguard of an army that has killed, evicted and tortured thousands of ethnic russians since 2014 alone, they have also overthrown an elected government
I dont see how you can claim to care for one set of innocent victims and not another. What you are in favour of is a hierarchy of victims.

You forgot to mention 9/11 being an inside job and UFOs, buddy.