Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Correct. Proactively.

Not sticking them in an old convent and hoping for the best.

Spot on. The likes of @dooley would sicken your shite.

Why does the question have to be asked? We are nowhere near that number so there’s no need for it. There are 1.5 million refugees in Lebanon. This kind of poor mouth is just pathetic.

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This isn’t Lebanon. This is Ireland. Asking questions is what a democracy is about.

Do you support the Common Travel Area and the EU Single Market?


Sound, but that does mean you support migration arrangements which entitle 500 million people to move into the state tomorrow if they so wished, so it sort of puts your “concern” about the number of Ukrainian refugees into perspective.

Edit: jaysus, I’m slow on the uptake today!

If you don’t support them I think you’ll find you’re very much out of step with the vast majority of Irish people.

That’s a very stupid comment.

500 million Europeans can move here so that means we can’t ask some basic questions about the integration of potentially 200k non EU citizens.

Surely nobody stops you asking questions?
We really have no choice, and more importantly, where would you have them all go?

500 million Europeans can move here though, if they want.

You would accept that being against the Common Travel Area and the EU Single Market, you are massively out of step with the Irish public on this, that leaving the Common Travel Area and the EU Single Market - which would entail leaving the EU, is very much a fringe position?

How is Brexit working out?

We had a fella here saying that if anyone raised an eyebrow they should be fucked out of the country.
Local authorities suddenly find 500 vacant properties and we can’t question where they were for the last few years.

Your other comment is interesting - ‘its not as if we have a choice’

Did you never stop to think he might have made that comment mainly as a joke?

Some people are very sensitive.

What was it that was said here recently, that people don’t have a right not to be offended?

He reiterated it again this morning. The tone used both times more than suggests he was serious.

If he was it’s a legitimate point of view.

You are aware that a good deal of those on housing list or recently made homeless are not keen on any given address?

Homeless people from Cork or Dublin City won’t go to Hook Head or Lahinch.

These Ukrainian refugees would rather be at home in their own homes but they had no choice.
They won’t have a choice of accommodation here either.


I think Ireland’s long term economic interests would be best served as part of a (economic) union with the UK. The EU has been great to modernize us but it has moved beyond it’s purpose. We have nothing economically, politically or culturally in common with half the basket case states admitted over the last 20 odd years.


You are more than entitled to think that but only a tiny minority of people agree with you and when you see what’s happening with Brexit it’s very easy to see why.

You make the point that the EU has served us well in terms of modernisation. Surely the same opportunity should also be afforded to less developed countries? It seems a bit selfish that one would think that the only reason to be part of multilateral a political and economic bloc is to take from it, rather than to also provide. But also, by providing, you are benefitting everybody, including your own country.

Great news mike

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Biden giving a good interview in Brussels there.