Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ekho Moskvy was one of the few remaining independent media outlets reminaing in Russia which was shut down recently.

A very strange way for the Russians to proclaim their supposed anti-Nazi credentials. “We have to be anti-Nazi by being like the Nazis.”

I have to say that Irish people giving out about taking in refugees en masse sickens my hole.


That lad formed a welcoming party for that ex army woman that went off to join the head choppers. He mightn’t be the most rational.

What, exactly, does “win” mean though ?
Russian withdrawal to plot on the border, and seek to undermine and hollow from within?

Here’s a real question. As it looks likely that nobody will be returning to Ukraine soon unfortunately, would Ukrainian refugees not be better in the medium to long term being integrated as best possible into society rather than thrown en masse into some crumbling old Magdalene home in borris, or a premier Inn out by the M50?
I genuinely don’t know the answer.


I think there’s nothing wrong with having sovereignty over your fiscal interests and your state. I think what happened in 2008 showed we have a reduced hold on both. The Euro has been a complete and utter disaster. And I personally think war, famine , food prices etc. Are gonna spiral over the next 50 years as the planet heats up. Being a small member in a political and economic union that more and more favours a couple of large members is not what Ireland should be hoping for going forward. 2008 should stand as a stark warning/reminder of what the European project has become. If smaller/growing economies want to saddle Germany on their back so be it.
A united Ireland in a union/partnership with the Uk will serve our interests better.

I think so.

A part of the work force is far better than being sent to rot in a hotel or old convent.

I was thinking more of living arrangements, but workforce also I spose.

There’s no chance the country can accommodate 200k tbf and it wouldn’t happen anyway. I’m assuming that’s just a guess if half of Ukraine becomes a refugee and we take a pro rata share?

200k would literally mean tents everywhere. Tbf that’s reserved for countries immediately surrounding a war zone and we should support that financially.

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The Covid vaccines are the best example of the benefits of Europe for Ireland.

Do you really think Ireland would have gotten them as quickly otherwise?

And before we go on about all the Pharma companies here, why do you think they are here in the first place?

Can someone post this up please

Agree with some of this but we would have literally no bargaining power and would be rode raw in trade negotiations.

Walking all over the cunts


Absolutely. But these people are entirely shellshocked. Whatever that pyramid of needs theory is. First food and shelter and friendly faces. Then full integration and the hell of living in ireland working a minimum wage job… these people will want to go home. Some will stay naturally, but id imagine most will try to return. Its no way to leave your homeland.


Has Philly McMahon made any comment on this yet?

All over the cunts

Sow it into the cunts

Ken early interviewed some sort of polish political professor. He was very interesting I thought.

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@balbec masquerading as a political heavyweight.

Hes set up ago fund me