Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Brings Vlad a bit nearer the red button

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Win means the routing of the Russian Army and them being driven out of every square milimetre of Ukrainian territory. Routed so badly that they never dream of setting foot on Ukrainian territory ever again.

The death of Putin - the literal death - and the death of the entire Russian regime - literal and metaphorical - is a natural by product of that.

@Dooley wants the Healy Raes and Boris Johnson calling the shots for Eire.


Great, another idiot making stuff up. Like there isn’t a shortage of that in here already.

We do have sovereignty.

Funnily enough those who most like to use the word “sovereignty” in relation to mendaciously portraying the EU as a “tyranny” or some such nonsense are those who were and are most disregarding of Ukraine’s actual sovereignty.

You want Ireland to retreat into a fantasy land that rejects the reality that we live in an interconnected world with interconnected problems.

The irony is that a retreat away from the reality of the interconnected nature of the world’s problems will increase those problems, and help to cause worse blowback for everybody in the long run.

It’s more multilateralism and international co-operation we need, not less. But that has to be balanced with a muscular, aggressive defence of liberal values.

They are entitled to work here which most DP inhabitants can’t. That will hopefully give anyone who wants more independence the opportunity to get it

The Healey Raes are quite happy to call the shots for their own patch. It has served them well through the decades.

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Well they reckon, theres a 40k shortfall of staff in the hospitality industry alone

And therein lies the problem. You’re a big fan of them it seems.

That’s a neat little trick .

No, I suggest it forms a partnership that will be more beneficial in the long run.

We can still contribute to that out of the EU and in our own partnerships and alliances.

They dont bother me one way or the other but branding them as “fools” is something I would never do.


Let them work minimum wage jobs and they’ll see how rich we are as a country. They’ll be delighted.

Isn’t that what the Oirish did in Amerikah


And we are crying out for workers

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You’re more than entitled to hold whatever view you like but real world events show you’d want your head examined to want Ireland to leave the EU.


We won’t be able to take in 200k refugees but we may have to, and more. We were close to having to activate our “plane crash” scenario the other night because we had no accommodation. It’s going to be a logistical nightmare and affording people even something even remotely adequate will be difficult.

Given the nature of my work I spend a lot of time thinking about refugees, asylum etc. I believe in borders and the policing of them. If that makes me a far right racist, so be it (I’ll settle for being a far-right racist who’s devoted a good portion of his week carrying luggage for Ukrainians and helping a particular Zimbabwean lady bringing her family into the country).

I’m more than happy to let genuine refugees come in. I think it’s the decent thing to do to help a destitute neighbour in their time of need. And we are, by any standard, a wealthy nation. Ukrainians need help right now and we can help them.

However, I don’t believe in an open-door “anyone who wants asylum gets it” policy. That sounds great in a perfect world, but in the real one it’s a recipe for disaster. The system becomes so clogged up with bogus claims, becomes so lucrative for people-smugglers/traffickers and becomes so costly that genuine cases suffer. There needs to be checks and balances on this.


[quote=“Batigol, post:6033, topic:16906”]i
believe in borders and the policing of them.

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That’s why we should opt out if the EU. Border control in the next 50-100 years is gonna be horrific. As is the number of refugees from drought/ famine/war. We’ll be glad if British navy ships patrolling our waters.

When things need to be done they get done. We’ve turned the World upside down the last two years. 200k refugees is doable if the will is there

No mate I disagree. Most aspects of the EU are overwhelmingly beneficial. I would expand it. Push its borders out and out.