Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

A couple both working minimum wage jobs would have 3k a month maybe net. You’d live on that (and many do) in many places in Ireland outside of big towns and cities You woukdnt be loaded but you’d survive no bother.

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I know, and so they should be. I was talking about medium term living arrangements rather than work as integration, though obviously both would help. My question wasn’t about work though.

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Now we have jumped the shark. A lad crying out for imperial rule


It probably is yeah. Where there is a will there is a way and it’s amazing what you can do when you have to.

Yes they would def be better off in houses. But practicalities are what they are

I wonder if Charlie and Camilla are reading that post over a few pints in Waterford tonight

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They had some Polish refugee integration lady on the wireless here the other day and that’s the first thing she mentioned that she was surprised how they all thought it was only for a few weeks and that’s unlikely to be the case unfortunately.


No easy solution there, bring up daft and search rent in Limerick city, there are 6 properties. 20 in the county. It’s take what you can get really

Tremenjus news that Turkey is apparently arming Azerbaijan for another attack on Armenia and Hungary has its eye on Transcarpathia. Which is part of Ukraine.

Really tremenjus, just what we want.

And Putin’s bestest buddy in Europe Orban is almost certainly going to win the election in 11 days’ time.

It was interesting listen. He mentioned a few times the importance of history and their mindset to war. Totally different to around here obviously.

He also mentioned 2 million Ukrainians may be in Poland but a lot would have friends or family which isn’t the same here.

He discussed some very interesting things. I’m going to listen to it again.

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They’re spot on by targeting convents etc though,
Ideal emergency accommodation, the one close to my house has been recently vacated as well, Westbourne on the long avenue, they’re everywhere


They’ll use student accomodation for the summer as well. Should hopefully match the pinch point well

Do you really believe that’s the way it works in the Modern Democratic world?

Covid & this Ukraine invasion are going to have serious ramifications for all of us ( a small few will profit as always ).

Being in cohorts with the UK won’t save one piece of Irish bacon.

All jokes aside, you’re on the windup?

I thought Hungary had been vocal in denouncing Russias invasion of Ukraine?

Remember Dooley in 20 years’ time when I’m proved right.

I think it’s imperative that the West makes every possible effort towards helping Ukraine sow their crops this year….

The Ukrainians will be the scapegoats but there could be other factors at play here too.

Perhaps Putin is happy enough to get dogged down for the foreseeable…

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Orban is a bigger pretender than Chrissie Hynde. Brass neck in pocket.

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I just watched the Biden presser at NATO sleepy he was far from a real leader in these difficult times