Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Bbc has just announced that boris has led the way in helping Ukraine and that miscow has named him enemy number 1.
Can you confirm @Tassotti ?

I only said that if given the choice I’d take the refugees over the arseholes who object to taking in refugees. We could ship you off to England and you’d be happier.

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Two months ago I said NATO should put a large number of troops in Ukraine as deterrence in order to prevent a war but you called me a warmonger.

Biden has done the exact things you wanted, ie, he has put no troops in Ukraine and has been very measured, some (like me) would say far too measured, in what military aid he has given to Ukraine.

When Biden was elected the Trump supporting lunatics claimed that Biden would be a warmongerer, or something something - complete removal of the US from world affairs now being the raison d’etre of the Trumpbots.

Biden pulled the US out of Afghanistan and refuses to get involved in Ukraine. He has been the most “anti-war” president in living memory.

The Trumpbots haven’t a leg to stand on.

The thing is, the US and the west refusing to intervene here only stores up problems. Withdrawing from the world doesn’t work, because the Russian and Chinese Nazis sure won’t withdraw.

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Let us hope for lots of dead Russians come morning.

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This is facinating

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He nearly brained a dog with a bottle of Prosecco

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Kill tnem all

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Sean Kelly MEP believes some chap called Pewtin is causing all the mischief.


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Fuck him. Didn’t we send him over a tank ffs sake. Ungrateful cunt.


You forgot an @ there.

As the forum’s undisputed expert on this war and with a proven track record of distilling/aggregating/analysing information (making allowances for bias, propaganda etc), who’s winning at the moment and how do you think it will play out in the next while?

You’re wasted on these gobshites

It’s like a finely balanced Test Match in cricket. Difficult to tell who’s winning.

It’s a bit like the third Test of the 2005 Ashes at Old Trafford. The more motivated Ukrainians, on home soil, are taking plenty of wickets off the more fancied tourists but Ricky Ponting, in the shape of the invaders on the south east coast, is still there notching the runs for the Russians.

And like that Test Match, this could go the distance. And there are two more Test Matches after that. And the prize at the end will likely be a Ukraine reduced to Ashes.

In short, it all depends on the amount and type of weapons Ukraine can get in. If they get the right weapons in sufficient amounts they will win. But I don’t trust the west to deliver.


Whenever this is all said and done there’ll be generations of Ukrainians who’ll grow up with serious resentment towards the west.

Maybe. I suspect however that they will reserve their ire for the east.


Didn’t he see all the lads on twitter with the Ukrainian flegs?

Theyll be joining a very long list

Poor auld cunts, hated by the West and hated by the East. Thats a lot of resentment to go around.

43 million Ukrainians could hate everybody in the world and yet still have less resentment in their collective hearts than @glenshane.