Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Poor Rowling. A brave woman fighting the good fight being lumped in with a maniac.

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It’s done

Ah now. He mightn’t have done much recently but Linehan’s no maniac

Sid some man for copy and paste.

Russia will now focus its main war effort on the “complete liberation” of the eastern Donbas region, the chief of the Russian army has said.

Sergei Rudskoi, the head of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operational Directorate, said: "The main objectives of the first stage of the operation have generally been accomplished.

“The combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been considerably reduced, which… makes it possible to focus our core efforts on achieving the main goal, the liberation of Donbas.”

The Russian defence ministry claimed Kremlin-backed separatists now control 93 per cent of the Luhansk region and 54 per cent of the Donetsk region - the two areas that jointly make up the Donbas.

However, the figures have not been confirmed by Ukrainian or Western officials.

The ministry also said it had not ruled out storming Ukrainian cities that it has blockaded, and warned the West that any attempts to close the airspace over Ukraine – as consistently requested by President Zelensky – would be met with an “immediate” reaction.



How important are those regions economically?

He obviously hasn’t seen our car flags.

That’s a positive sign one would think

Assuming its true (and one should never assume) it still leaves Mariupol fucked but most big cities will escape the worst of it. Massive backtrack if it is actually true, an acknowledgment almost they are losing the war

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He doesn’t believe that. They’ve more tanks now than before they started. Mainly abandoned Russian ones.

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Everything Russia says should be treated as bullshit until proven otherwise, and then it should still be treated as bullshit.

What Putin definitely does want to do though, if he cannot get what he wants by war, is to split the Ukrainians into rival camps and try and foment a situation where there is civil war.

That’s reason enough for the west to pile every weapon into Ukraine that it possibly can. Total victory with the Russians routed is really the only tenable outcome and it means the post war situation would be so much simpler.

The west worries far, far too much about what it thinks Putin and the Russians will think. Fuck what they think.

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@Cheasty can you confirm?

Roman Abramovic arrived in Poland by train from Ukraine last night. Meeting POTUS apparently.

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Yuri Medvedev is the name of the guy who was run over apparently. I don’t think he’s dead, his legs seem to have gotten the worst of it.

Ukraine did kill another general last night though.

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I think that was debunked by the guy at some stage further back the thread

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That’s his FB page, he seems to be over on the Polish Border bringing over supplies

There’ll be no one left to tell the Russians they can go home at this rate