Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

That’s true.

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It would make them fleeing Ukraine quite plausible

I thought the Ukrainians weren’t allowing the men of fighting age to leave the country.

They owned a Nepalese restaurant. The son grew up in Ukraine.

It’s not only people leaving, there are many Ukrainians due to go home who now can’t.

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Just seen it. Many a young man of sixty. :rofl:

Please don’t say that’s you in the video confronting yer man :flushed:

As an aside to the whole point of this fella’s video, the two “authority” figures in this video are some laugh. A big useless lump from the DOJ and a fake policeman with a pen and paper and yer man running rings around them.


Of course it’s not me. I’ve no idea why he went out to challenge your man. Ignore him and he’d have left

The DOJ guy was very good here


A prudent move by the UK.

Throw up your Nationalist Party membership card there as well you ape.


Are you ok harry? Do you need to talk to someone

As we say in norn iron, “zero fucks given”

@Rocko @Bandage @briantinnion @The_Dunph could one of you please delete the last 40 posts on this thread. They’d make even the most fervently religious person lose the will to live.


Are you?

I could only watch about thirty seconds of that, and wish I hadn’t.

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You did well not to knock him out there mate.

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A couple of lads who entered this thread in a reasonable if contrarian state of mind last week have turned into raving apes, it has really been fascinating to watch, all they needed was a little push :grinning: