Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

More meat for the meatgrinder

We’d a Ukrainian kid at soccer training last night. Fuck me, but he was some baller. He ran rings around our chaps. Nice chap, spoke what he could speak. All our boys were great with him too, they didnt know him or if he was any good, but they all wanted to be on his team. We’ve a couple of younger ones coming into our GAA nursery activities too. Hopefully it helps them all a bit to have some outlet for them here.


Fair play. A bit of normality for the kids at least. They’ll adopt to their surroundings quite quickly I’m sure


What sort of peace talks could abramovich be involved in if putin just tried to poison him? Putin surely isn’t going to settle for any sort of agreement bar a full surrender ?

I trust he’ll be dead by the morning?

“Increase trust” and they just after invading a month ago. Gas bastards.

It seems clear now they are going to try and take the south coast or as much of it as they can and abandon the rest of it

Putin will settle for crimea, donbas and that other self declared republic, which is enoughto gsave face while not being much of a loss to Ukraine. All parties will agree ukraines neutrality, nato being off the table will be formalised, Ukraine will keep her guns and america will hopefully fuck off with their meddling,. Russia will make a fortune selling fuel at inflated prices, and agree to financially backing ukraine, which they had been doing anyway.

And how to enforce this agreement if reached?

Did they run out of missiles or wha?

Coveney telling Ivan and the boys to jog on

Zelensky cant win and america will happily provide the Ukrainians with enough weapons to keep both sides bogged down indefinitely. If he signs a peace agreement he’ll fear the michael collins treatment, hence his referendum proposal. Putin can’t conquer Ukraine without an aerial bombardment, even then he’ll ostracise russia and commit to insurgency, ‘terrorism’ indefinitely. He won’t accept defeat because it’ll finish him in russia

Losers all round

Eh, you’ve completely avoided my question.

Russians want to sign a peace agreement after starting the invasion, displacing upwards of 3 millions civilians, flattening Mauripol & taking 2 regions too?

Fucking hell, these cunts have some necks.


'Tis all bollocks.

Sorry. Dont know. Russians will look after the russian part, Ukrainians the Ukrainians part?
Losers all round @balbec ? I suppose, except putin probably puts an end to nato expansion. The arms dealers will have to content themselves with arming the shit of everyone from germany eastwards…which is what matters at the end of the day.

Lads on here are only itching for a nuclear war.

Any excuse to work from home


Presume they’ll pop up on the far side now