Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The Russians really didn’t know what they were getting into

The locals must be listening to the wrong podcasts

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There is some merit in your suggestion.

I think the truth is the Russian Nazi forces in the north are absolutely routed and their retreat is as chaotic as their initial advance.

I don’t think the attack on the oil depot in Belgorod was a false flag, I think it was exactly what it looked like - Ukrainian helicopters flying in low to avoid radar and hitting a legitimate target. Work out what sort of shape the Russian Nazis are in that Ukraine felt confident enough to be able to do that.

If it was a false flag, the Russian Nazis would simply kill their own civilians rather than take out their own infrastructure. Anyway at this stage I think we’re beyond false flags, the die is cast, the Russian Nazis are well beyond the point where they would feel the need for fake excuses to perpetrate atrocities.

It sure would be nice if those retreating Russians could be taken as prisoners.

The video was made in a film studio in Surrey, Longcross it is called, same woodland and all

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Beating the Nazis at their own trolling game… :grinning:

Hon Ukraine

The Ukrainians have gone out there and walked all over the cunts


They should be running the country.

Ukraine should invade Russia for the craic. Reverse ball hop.


The Russians are great lads for murdering civilians. Not so hot otherwise.

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We got in while corrupt as fuck. Standards change and are higher nowadays.

Hopefully when this is all over the EU has a good long look at itself, it’s processes and how it generally does business.

I’d sooner the Russian orc-ish cunts had a long hard look a how they run their affairs to be honest.


too good to be true with the retreating orcs?

I don’t think it’s a case of either or, mate.

@Thomas_Brady will be disgusted the Russians didnt crush the corrupt Ukranians.


Not to fear, the Americans will do that mate…