Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Now you “dont remember”. More weaselling. You said what I noted. The interesting thing is your discomfort with having said it. Am I not clear even by use of italics? You made said remark before the invasion.

The reality is that you went 90% of the way to saying NATO provoked Putin into invading Ukraine. Fact. You are entitled to that opinion. But you cannot have it every way. The recourse to saying you are fighting the good fight against some ‘narrative’ or other cuts little ice at the moment.

Let me also note, in conclusion, you chose to bring me back into this craic. I am actually not interested.

Like him or not, he makes a pretty good point


I really don’t understand this. It’s pathetic. Can anyone explain it?

The reason he gave doesn’t make any sense either. Zelensky isn’t the one imposing sanctions. A complete and utter gobshite.


Paul Murphy, while making no sense at all, nailed it. Some baddies are badder than others. Some baddies’ mothers are badder than other baddies’ mothers.

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No, i dont remember. The only thing i can come up with is the music post. Telling the truth isn’t weaselling. Sure you dont even remember it yourself.
Put yourself in my position. A crowd of lads have been lying through their teeth, backtracking and making accusations. You say i said nato, tim says i made comparisons with post ww2 germany, rocko came up with someone else who said something else elsewhere. I said some of these things and much more. They all played a part, and i can and have pointed to numerous unnoffensive commentators who have said the same thing. A war in some form, was widely predicted and warned of. I find this relevant and i had the audacity to point it out. Hysteria ensued.

For all the posturing none of the chorus have quoted or referred to anything i actually said… Tim’s desperate attempt at a misquote and your strange misinterpretation of a vague recollection are about it. But as someone else whimpered, “there doesn’t have to be a smoking gun”

Anyway. Yous lads can get back to me when yous have got something

Sinn Fein are serious about power which is why they have decided to draw a line in the stand about Russia.

The others have no designs on power.

It should be noted that what Mattie McGrath said to Micheál Martin - “you’re dancing with the globalists” - is anti-Semitism.

“Globalists”, especially when used by the likes of McGrath - and we all know his game - is code for “Jewish world conspiracy”.

Catherine Connolly needs to be called out on this. She has been as bad as Murphy and not that far off Clare Daly and Mick Wallace.

It’s been an interesting few days. We’ve had @glenshane railing against sanctions on here, we had Daly bizarrely ranting about fracked gas vs good Russian gas in the EU Parliament and now we discover that PbP who regularly call for sanctions against Israel don’t believe in them anymore.

Kites being flown.

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As a known and self confessed imperialist, what’s your own view on the invasion, Tim?

Here’s a sensible and thought-provoking conversation about a way out of the current situation. It also includes a brief discussion on sanctions, if anyone is interested.
Otherwise lads can continue in the ‘he said jehovah’ vein.

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Murphy and Barrett, the fucking worst sort of apes

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What do you keep trying to involve me? I am not interested.

I do not agree with a pile on. But the reality is that the flak you are getting has nothing to do with any comment of mine. You gave them plenty of ammunition all on your own.

McGuirk remains an apologist for Viktor Orban, the US far right and all sorts of political projects which were/remain allied with Putin. His recent claim to be anti-Putin can be taken with the full tub of salt it is meant to be taken with.

I probably discussed this with one of your other logins a few weeks ago. Alternatively you can run a search through this thread. :+1:

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Disappointing to see lads resorting to yet more blatant lies. A sad decline from a once merely mediocre poster.

Doubtful, I try limited exposure to known imperialists to a couple of posts a year - for all 12 of my logins.

Our resident self appointed eastern Europe expert @obidijus has gone very quiet.

Oh yeah, you were “just asking questions”