Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Oh look , the ‘There doesn’t have to be a “smoking gun” post’ crew want a smoking gun… The double standards are amusing.

He’s gas this fella.

Ukrainian nationalist tortured Russian supported terrorist trying to take over Ukrainian lands?

Ukraine is a sovereign country tbf, it would nearly remind you of atrocities up North but it’s surprising this particular Nordie doesn’t see the resemblance of UK involvement in that case too.

One of the ring leaders of the Separatist movement was a Russian National from research I’ve come across. Apparently he wasn’t happy Putin didn’t go in full scale in 2014 or since.

It’s amazing how Coups start too. It seems they’re bad once perpetuated but the cause is okay?

You have to give it to Russian propaganda, it’s places real juicy bait for the little fishy’s to bite on.

When all is said and done, there can be no condoning or trying to explain away why Putin marched into Ukraine territory for the ( 3rd ) time other than he sees democracy in Ukraine as dangerous to his foothold in Russia.

Seems lads feel it important to protest Ukrainian actions before being invaded far more than protest for the right of the average Russian to protest against War by their own Nation.

God bless everyone affected by Mr Putin & all who will profit from the death & destruction he wages.

What are you on about now?

Can someone check her bank statements

An audit trail revealed sales of Pink Shirts and Torino jerseys purchased in Roubles .

A rose by any other name etc. How do you think the batallion was formed? Right lads, we’re looking for some fellas to volunteer to be nazis?
I said Ukrainian nazi organisations…they might have been called the ss back then…hence the badge
Honestly, what is it with lads being afraid to know stuff?

A proper dangerous Cunt

Look at this utter gobshite, expounding on parallels between two things he knows nothing about. I wonder which came first; the extraordinary stupididy or the extraordinary lack of manners? The cretin is going to enlighten nordies about the situation in the north now.

Right on. Fire up the post there lad.

I will in my bollocks. I have an infinite amount of better things to be doing.

I really do not see the fun in lad says ‘a+b’ and then lad says I did not say ‘a+b’. Rather boring. I suppose it is attention seeking.

You said, repeatedly, Ukraine is full of Nazis. The fact that the number of far right in Ukraine is not noticeably larger than in many other countries seems to have no impact on your perspective. But so be it.

Anyone who has read Hubert Butler knows plenty about far right/fascism in the Balkans and environs. I have been reading a lot for forty years.

i think this is the post that began it all


It would have been a lot quicker to throw up the post…or one of them. Maybe harry can help you.

I do not know what your game is. But it is an extremely boring one.

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This short video by BBC’s Ros Akins is worth a watch:


Thanks sir. Lovely succint response … i dont think anyone could have any issue with that.

Apology accepted. @glenshane is much better at the ‘look over there’ schtick anyway.

I’ve posted very little in way of look anywhere. You’re a little all over the place. I’ve merely defended Glenner’s right to ask questions for the most part… Either way, you seem very put out by it all.

Channel 4 documents the war crimes the Russians inflicted on the town of Trostyanets.

Mass graves, civilians slaughtered with their hands tied tightly behind their backs, the main square reduced to unrecognisable rubble, houses lying in ruins.

The Russian commander visited the hospital, and then went back and bombed it to destruction.

This is a pattern that will be found to have repeated over and over and over again across Ukraine.

That’s called genocide.

This is a translation of an essay that was published by the Russian state propaganda outlet RIA Novosti last weekend.

This stuff does not get published without its contents being the intention of Putin.

Like Putin’s rambling speech on February 21st, it is incredibly boring, rambling and poorly written, sodden with projection and imagined victimhood, it is a fabrication of an entirely fake history and present, ie. a fantasy world, and it will studied by scholars of fascist propaganda for decades, centuries probably.

It is a call not just for genocide, but for a World War II style Holocaust against Ukrainians, and it is one of the most terrifying documents ever written.

The Russians’ intentions are clear.

Meanwhile the west remains asleep.

@glenshane is free to take his Russian apologist stance.

Anyone is free to question it as well surely?

Jesus Christ.

Ukraine must win.