Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I don’t think anyone said anything to the contrary. It was the pile on and attributing comments that were never made that got a lot of posters riled up.

What constitutes a pile on these days?

I’d say @Cheasty and @mikehunt would know a thing or two

@glenshane has had it handy

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He’s misinformed or perhaps just a bit gullible.
I’ve heard swimming against is somewhat more tiresome but some lads just like to be different

Being called pro Putin and pro murderer for asking a few questions is very nasty imo but it seems to be acceptable as it’s the adopted position of TFK.

Calling the poor chap misinformed or gullible assumes the chap’s head contains a brain, which it demonstrably does not.

There’s being open minded and then there’s keeping such an open mind that your brain falls out, never to be seen again.

Can they expect any quarter to be given to them considering the cat is now well and truly out of the bag regarding the Russian soldiers barbarism toward Ukrainian civilians.

In fairness you posted this before we knew about Bucha, and you could have posted far worse.
The inevitable logic of violence.

Yes, violence entirely started, flagrated and carried out by the Russians.
Honestly, your line of reasoning is akin to a young lass caught robbing apples down the parish house and sent to a Magdalene laundry indefinitely as a result, deserving it.


Dont talk rubbish. What line of reasoning could you apply to any of it. Bucha probably happened first but probably wasn’t known about and was much worse and then there was this and then there was that etc…as if that that figured in any line of reasoning. Like i said, the only logic here is the inevitability of violence
You work out and apply your own reasoning here if you want. But fuck off with your sermonising. The war porn, bloodlust, glee and hypocrisy on show in this place lately is rquite emarkable. But i suppose it is a sports forum after all.

I pointed out that this video had been posted before other events were known, so i dont see the logic in saying one thing resulted to another. Deal with it or don’t deal with it in whatever way you please. Who are these people, what did they do, what is their age, what choices did they make, were they captured or did they surrender…I’ve no idea. Clearly you, mary and rhe parish priest do. To be honest i feel sorry for them.


Rupert Myers on Twitter: “Bloody hell this Ukrainian video needs to be seen by everyone” / Twitter

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That’s how you treat Nazi invaders.

Every last one of them.

No matter what way you look at it, that’s nasty shit…Hands tied behind the back and shot at point blank range. Yes, we know Russians are carrying out pure evil against civilians but there’s also loads of Russians who don’t want to be there. Whatever your outlook, You’d have to be a bit deranged to take joy from that like some posters have.

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The shooter has been identified as a Georgian. Ukraine is trying hard to be civilised with these animals.

Crazy :astonished:

Mad interview

The tan got his hole opened there. They should have got Beth Rigby to do the interview

Plenty of claims that this is a Russian false flag