Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Building back better sure.

That would be a difficult take for the ‘citizens’ of Transnistria let alone the Oblast that contains Kalingrad. There’s no victory in any event !

Reports of a huge missile strike by the Ukranians on Kherson airport. Massive explosions seen.

You could do with ‘settling’ yourself.

Life is short

3rd Prize
What he wanted was the likes of Kiev and Odessa. The Russians over extended. They went to war on 4 fronts. They will settle with Mariupol. The West could probably live with that.
Very much doubt Ukraine itself could.

It will be rebuilt, most likely by the victors. Thats the nature of War.
The question is the Wests stomach for the battle.
Now is the time to take Russia out. The one thing we know conclusively is that Russia is week. Their army borders on pathetic despite what their apologists on here would have you believe.
Of course the West is week too. That was Putins basic calculation from the off. And he was right. It’s Hubris v Collective Will at this point

The French and Germans will try to push the Ukranians into a neat little peace deal before they toddle off on their holidays.

Does it not suit the US and UAE to let this mainifest itself into entirely new trade alliance…Green or not?(Mostly not)

EU membership as opposed to NATO might be the key. But Mariupol/Donbas is the question.
All just a little too covenient to just throw to the wolves

Look at you bending over backwards with your windy talk of putin apologists and their views on the week russian army. I thought you claimed all putin wanted was Ukraine out of nato?

You suggested Putin knew what he was doing the whole time
Turns out its been nothing of the sort.


Nuclear war.

Quite possibly
Still better to hit your enemy while they are week
Because like climate chage you are just handing the problem to the next generation if you dont.
When they are strong again.

Putin backed Ukraine EU membership years back if they relented on NATO.


Putin backed Ukrainian membership of NATO and then backtracked.

Should you watch the news now you might note Putin wants to bomb Ukraine to kingdom come.

I’m just pointing out that I doubt Ukraine have come this far to settle for what was on the table 8 year ago. Ukraine are also currently not fit to join the EU. Not until they end corruption and dismantle Nazi militias who police the streets during peace time.

I doubt anyone cares what you be pointing out these days bro to be honest.

Good. I don’t give two fiddler’s for them neither so i dont.

The word is you watch a lot of Tucker nowadays

I only watch live sport on TV bro. I don’t need to watch news night or read the guardian to know what’s what… I just gently wet my thumb (before I jam it up my arse) and place it out the window… I can easily tell which way the wind is blowing from this neat little trick alone.