Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Advocating for bigger war, especially nuclear war, is not a solution to war. Lots of people like the simplicity of saying “NATO should sort it out, NATO should bomb Russia” but that’s simple and patent nonsense. I’m not sure how you see Russia getting stronger in generations to come. If anything it continues to become progressively weaker. Its economy is weakened and it’s military is weakened. That may just make it more dangerous and inclined to use bigger or more heinous weapons, and a bigger war would just ensure that.

I think we are seeing the latest evolution in war fare here. Tanks, Ships etc all obsolete.

If the US was in this fight their drones would have laid waste to the Russians in a week and they’d have hardly had to put a foot on the ground.
This is the first war between two “modern” armies. Both are operating with older generation stuff really, but it’s clear the new weapons can open a tank like a can opener and that’s just the handheld stuff.

Now a lot of the Russian shit is obsolete, but in a World where you can see absolutely everything from the skies, sitting in a tank is like putting a please blow me up here sign on your head.

Ships are just giant lumbering targets really. The Ukrainians haven’t been able to get at them from the shore as they’ve been keeping out to sea, but the US could literally sink the Russian navy in 15 minutes if required. Apparently the US has sent unmanned under water drones to the Ukraine in the latest shipment of weapons, so expect a lot more man made reefs in the black sea.

The US may be useless at fighting insurgency, but they remain untouchable on a proper battlefield. I’m sure the Chinese are taking notes though


I generally stay away from woke labelling so you’d be better off tagging the culprits yourself… As for point A, there’s a clatter of lads here take their cue from news night / guardian / blindboy/ the lad with Ukraine flag on twitter.

But advocating for any resistance, and certainly advocating for any arming of Ukraine is advocating for bigger war, at least if you’re to hold true to what you said earlier in the thread.

No, there are not.

You should know better. Then again, you are a sucker for Sinn Féin’s populist guff.

I don’t think you are quite right there. There’s lots of reasons Russia’s army has performed way below expectations and I don’t think it means that tanks etc are obsolete. Russia’s army seems poorly organised, poorly maintained, its plans are poor, its motivation and discipline are shit and that’s a lot to do with it. It’s airforce has been shown up to be completely shit and that’s a skill level and training thing more than hardware. If it had established air superiority as expected then much of the rest of its performance would have been more effective. Basically if this had been the Americans invading Ukraine it would probably have been over in a week.

And in saying that the war is now in a small lull period while Russia regroups and focuses its offensive on fewer and smaller targets and areas. The type of fighting is about to shift from the fast agile stuff on multiple fronts that Ukraine has excelled at for lots of reasons - including the support of its entire population - to heavier weaponry. This is what Ukraine, NATO, the US the EU are saying. Different phase coming, different hardware needed. So far from being obselete one of the main things Ukraine needs now is tanks. Soviet ones that they know how to operate. Aircraft if possible. Bigger and longer range artillery. The west has maybe two weeks to get the necessary weapons to them, or else some shit load of workable substitutes.

Hopefully to fuck they can get them the necessary hardware to drive the bastards back again.

Aye. When is the last time the US were on a proper battlefield …as they they say themselves they mightn’t know much about fighting insurgencies but they’re experts at backing them

Don’t believe the hype.

The guardian has long since collapsed into smug complacent conservatism. It pacifices the chattering classes with a few virtuous woke stances that won’t surprise or challenge anyone…like having endless opinion pieces on farage or some other useful idiot. It hasn’t said anything controversial in a decade, yet it somehow positions itself as anti-establishment.

I thoroughly agree with that statement.

But according to what you said previously, that’s advocating for bigger war?

Would you go away, for fuck’s sake…

“chattering classes”… “woke stances”…

Have you no pride? Have you no idea at all of what a tit you make of yourself with that millionth hand shite? You are so gullible that you think a grifter like Ivor Cummins is anti establishment. I often wonder how it feels to be that gullible.

You are full of anger. Therefore you have no perspective. End of.

The most ‘woke’ document that exists – to repeat – is the 1916 Proclamation. Any comment on that reality?

I am perfectly well aware of the many imperfections in The Guardian and other such outlets. But there are reasons – discernible reasons – why toxic clowns such as Boris Johnson and his stooges want to get rid of the BBC and Channel 4. They are entirely happy with the sort of stultifying nonsense you consume.

Until I encountered TFK, I really had no idea of how many middle-aged men are out there droning on about ‘lefties’ and ‘woke’ and all the rest. The whole phenomenon is pathetic (‘I’m winning! I’m winning!’). I do not mix in such circles and I do not listen to the likes of Niall Breslin. Then again, if you cannot think for yourself, I suppose you need the crutch of grifters’ clichés.

You really should know better.

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That is an appalling post tbh.

Why? The fuckers have invaded Ukraine without provocation and are killing Ukrainian civilians all over the place.

Fuck them.


Absolutely none. It’s one of the things i admire most about myself.
Im only messin’. I haven’t read the guardian since they cancelled the farming supplement…and if i did want to read it id just buy the telegraph and imagine it was slightly different…or buy the guardian and imagine the telegraph etc

Equally, however, TFK outpourings are not real life, and probably don’t reflect real life behaviour.

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Do you wonder why we have have Trump, Brexit, Le Pen, Orban, Putin?

It’s because such “outpourings” do not remain online.

True. Most people know better than to be openly obnoxious in real life.


Most do, whatever they think.

I have a subscription to The Telegraph and The Spectator. You are not missing anything, although The Telegraph, technically, is a good newspaper.

The Guardian is way better.

This reportage is one of the most outstanding pieces of journalism in recent years: