Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

You’d say that if you had a fetish for Putin, like you do.

Nobody else says it.

Incorrect, I completely condemed the Ukraine invasion. It was abhorrent and it should not have happenend.

I just find it fascinating that their currency is absolutely thriving when you would imagine it shouldnt be given what is going on.

Was just looking for your thoughts on that.

Sanctions won’t work, Claire Daly is bang on the money. It’s interesting that so called liberals on here want more war to end the war.

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You and Claire Daly want the surrender of a sovereign country to the Nazis.

As well as demonstrating your historical belief that the original Nazis should have been surrendered to.

There’s a reason you work in “compliance”.

Compliance with Nazis, in your case.

Way to put words in my mouth… We need to push peace, not war. You want more war and more deaths.

I always thought Lord Haw Haw was from Galway but apparently he’s from Limerick now.

Would you suggest that Russia withdraw to pre February borders as part of this push for peace?

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I’d say Putin would respond positively to calls for peace and dialogue in that situation.

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I’d be happy with that. The most important thing is democratic processes are set up in Donbas so they can work towards independence or rejoining Russia if they are the result of the referendum. But we can’t go on with an internal dirty war in that region as the threat of Russia will always be looming. if the result goes the other way then Russia has to recognise it. We can’t go on with thousands being disappeared and tortured by both sides.

As someone else put it the west will bravely fight russia to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. While biden is obviously impaired he couldn’t have done more damage to the peace talks when he called putin a genocidal war criminal, whether it was accurate or not. Still, it suits the moralising lunatics no uphold their high standards etc. Stiff upper lip and all that

and in a strange and not at all foreboding coincidence, the FSB have apparently released details of how Hitler bought it in his bunker^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1519946801121533952|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

He is running out of time for his big celebration on the 9th of May

Informative rating.

His whereabouts will surely be known that day.

I know you’re only hopping balls bro but to even suggest Putin gives two rattlers for anyone in the Donbas region is hilariously funny.

I’m not sure anyone said any of that.

Why do you care who people in the donbas get bombed by?

I care as much as you did before Putin invaded, mate.

Thats what i thought

Game, set and match. Well played sir

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