Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I don’t remember ever saying I worked in compliance :flushed::flushed:

Don’t worry about it mate. You’re not in court yet.

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Thank fuck for the border. As we’ve seen repeatedly on RTE, bad weather stops at the border so I presume a nuclear strike would stop there also.


The current day stance of Mick Wallace, Clare Daly, the Trumpists, the entirety of the European far right, the tankies and our resident stooges for Putin is summed up by this 1934 quote by Henry Cadbury, quoted here by the New York Times.

The New York Times was also the paper whose Moscow correspondent Walter Duranty denied the Holodomor.

The Russians have decided to believe in 4D chess now. Losing is not winning, it’s supposedly a genius rope a dope plan by Putin.

It’s all very QAnon.

Brain dead russian cunts, getting bate out of Ukraine by lads with glorified rocket propelled grenades supplied by the British

Donetsk, 2014

So called “pro-Russian separatism” was a fake. Donbas was invaded by the Russian Nazis and the people have lived and died under the Russian Nazi jackboot ever since.

Lavrov has gone full Nazi.

If they’re anything like their armed forces then they’ll be shit.

Knock yisser selves out.

Based on that, TV’s Dmitry Kiselyov above was raving. You’d need 20 of the biggest bombs to take out the UK. I feel safer already.

I detonated the Nagasaki bomb on the Wicklow Gap and injured 10 people. Probably @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy out for a spin on the bike.



Leisure spins on bikes?

It’s ok to have fun sometimes too mate.

Removing kissing gates is the ultimate fun experience

Kissing gates deter cyclists from mugging people.

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Just pointed one of the Chinese nukes at Tipp.

Oddly satisfying.