Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Wonderful. They should be so proud of taking so many lives.

Agreed. Russian soldiers lie considerably below cockroaches in terms of their worth to the planet. That’s still above Putin, mind you.

Why is Putin sending them to such slaughter

Plus 10000 Wagner roaches

And you’d be happy with his too, I assume?
Fuck off you cunt.


Ah lovely. Another ill-reared, ill-mannered, utterly ignorant wannabe Internet hard man.

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Ride of the Wankeries

The tankies are in meltdown over this.

Great stuff.

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@Lazarus is in full agreement with mearsheimer here

I thought this guy was already discredited as a right wing Russian funded pro imperialist nazi?

No, that’s just sidney making things up.

The evil of it all. :cry:

God fucking help them.

Zelenskey is some cunt to bring this on his country.

Jesus Christ, how needy are you?


You’re some cunt yourself.


Is your life really that empty that you’re spending a summer evening trying to be edgy? Go for a walk.