Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Oh Michael

That’s NATOs fault.

Fuck sake

Putin is determined to pull nato into this full tilt

Poor bastards. Bombed for years by the Ukrainians and now putin …

Do you think Putin land grabbing was fair mate? Crimea first.

Crimea? Sure Ukraine didn’t care about Crimea, they’d already agreed to let russia have it. And it was always russian anyhows…why else would they have sacrificed a quarter of a million soldiers fighting for it in ww2?

Why did Putin wait for Ukrainian unrest in 2014 to annex it?

Do you think a independent free democratic Ukraine is a threat to Russia?

You silly bollix. Russia had a signed and sealed contract for 50 years, they’d no interest in annexing anything, until their hand was forced by obama and co. If democracy had been allowed to run its course none of this would be happening

I’m asking a question, you slippery cunt

The nuclear deterrent isn’t much of a deterrent if only one side has the nuclear deterrent

You don’t under any circumstances see this as a land grab by Putin?

What business of Russia was it in any case? Ukraine was a sovereign country.

An aul world war is what they want.

The tans seem to be making noises lately alright.

Dangerous bastards.

Absolutely no talk of peace.

Boris must be in bother again. Needs a diversion


We need to harness the potential of the 4th industrial revolution your man says :grinning:

That’s a chilling speech

No joke, it seriously is.