Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

A bit narrowminded of you if you don’t mind me saying. This issue is much more complex than the war mongering western media are portraying. This is the same media that sold us a pup to allow the west blow the shit out of Iraq.
Zelensky had the opportunity to negotiate a settlement and he chose to put his own people in the firing line of the russian beast in an unwinnable war.
Just because I’m against the actions of the Ukraine puppet government, doesn’t make me pro-russian. I have said on a number of occassions that I am anti-war but I just don’t see the world as either black or white like some on here.
Now, if you want to moderate properly and not be just a ridiculing bully, to get a few cheap likes, send me a pm and we can discuss the matter further.


Seems that his own people didn’t seem to mind being put in the firing line seeing as his approval rating in Ukraine soared (i.e. tripled) since the start of the Russian invasion.

A “settlement” that would mean the Ukraine couldn’t join the EU, for example?

No matter what the Tankies say, Russia’s motivations have always been to keep the Ukraine under their thumb.

Why exactly should a sovereign nation do that?

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It’s the war which has unfolded over the the last six months which is chilling.

It’s chilling to see thickos in the west cheering on Putin.

It’s also chilling to think the west as a whole may lack the stomach to fight it with all its might and inflict the crushing devastation on Russia that is so sorely needed if this world is to have much of a future.

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If anything it would have been political suicide to bow down to Russia, as the aforementioned apprival ratings attest to

Apart from the lads being turned back at the border. War is great for ratings…zelensky, putin, blair, bush, thatcher. They’d all go to war to boost their popularity- safe in the knowledge that mugs will lap it up

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War mongering media thrive on active war mongering don’t you think?

It would be hard to ridicule that post enough.

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Who would have guessed the pro-Putin lads would be the same ones that thought Covid was a Jewish conspiracy.

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I assume you’d have ridiculed Bobby Sands and the Hunger Strikers for taking on the British Beast in an un winnable war?

Why would I? Some of the atrocities committed by the IRA on the other hand, yes.

SF, mick Wallace and Clare Daly have already submitted objections

That’s your opinion mate.

I just find your issues with Zelenskyy not rolling over for Putin with his 72% mandate to govern etc strange.

I find that logic strange personally. It was clear from what happened in 2014 ( people can debate that ) and the people rising up to condemn the row back of their governments promise to join the European Union.

Undoubtedly some people in Eastern Ukraine see or saw themselves pre invasion Pro Russian.

That land is still Ukrainian just like Northern Ireland is still on the Island of Ireland

What Russia has done to Ukraine and what happened in Northern Ireland aren’t remotely comparable.

The only proper comparison to what Putin is doing is what Hitler did.

We can see plain as day that @gaillimhmick and the other fruit loops here would have supported Hitler and the Nazis had they been around then.

No more needs to be said about those posters.

I completely understand this. In my humble opinion the US and NATO are using the Ukraine to provoke Russia and it’s a very dangerous game which puts all of us at risk.

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I’d imagine if Zelenskyy had negotiated with Putin, his life wouldn’t have been worth living in Ukraine.
That’s a hunch which could be true or absolute Bollocks but there you go.

So is he a hero or us he just trying to save his own skin?

The truth be told, that’s all any of us have. We all read different stuff and it’s down to which we trust and then what our instinct tells us. The yanks do nothing benevolently.