Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

He’s holding out for winter.

Winter has been Russia’s greatest ally in the past as the country being invaded.
Let’s hope Jack Frost’s sense of justice is consistent.

Hard to believe Zelensky has gone down the car bombing route. He’d face the scorn of Mick Martin and Leo V if he has. They’d be urging him to renounce terrorism and find another way… I don’t see what Putin has to gain from it either, why would he target one of his biggest supporters? More plausible that it’s a push from within to end the war and sanctions.


Edgy stuff all over the forum recently.

Is Princess busting your balls?

By God!

Ukraine’s independence day is August 24th, which is also the six month anniversary of the invasion.

Basic common sense would say Putin will be looking to carry out some serious atrocities against Ukrainian civilians this week.

The bomb on Saturday would offer a fake pretext for war crimes of the type he loves so much.

What’s edgy about above? Stop being so prissy.

Have some respect. Tom is a free thinker who has uncovered the hidden truths THEY don’t want you to know.

The lefty head bangers are very prissy today.

You’re rattling cages all week.

Is something up?

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These cunts aren’t even trying anymore.

“ Gatilov accused western countries of using the situation “as a matter of pressure on Russia, as a tool of isolation of Russia . . . damaging our position, economically, politically”. “They do not care about the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian soldiers,” he said. “

Today is Monday.

Ive been very meek in my posting lately. And much reduced also… The split season shur.

No flies on Mr. Gatilov, eh…

Presumably according to Mr. Gatilov the way you really show you care about the Ukrainian people is by genociding them. Raping babies, girls and women, and then slitting their throats. Shooting people like rabid dogs. Firing cruise missiles into apartment blocks. Castrating prisoners, then putting their severed heads on spikes.

That sort of stuff. That’s Russian “care”.

Some lads still don’t want to realise that when the Russians talk about “care”, they’re referring to the Al Pacino version, rather than Julie Andrews - except they nearly make Pacino look like Andrews.

Duty of “care” in Russian terms means the duty of Ukrainians to supinely accept being butchered to death.

It was almost certainly done by Russians.

Aren’t the “lefty head bangers” the ones defending Putin you utter dunce.

Who’s defending Putin on this thread? We’re talking about this thread. THIS thread, you illiterate cunt. Dont be coming @ me because you cant follow the flow of a thread. You must have had a bad dog kebab or something.

This would be the clearest indication it was the FSB who carried it out.

An alternative theory would be that Dugina had poured petrol all over the inside of her car as a heroic two fingers to gay western liberals and then dropped a lit cigarette over it, incinerating her.

Russia accuses Ukraine of killing ultranationalist’s daughter

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has accused Ukrainian special services of carrying out the murder of the daughter of an ultranationalist Russian ideologue, the Interfax news agency is reporting.

Ukraine has denied involvement in the car-bomb killing of Darya Dugina, whose father is the Russian political commentator Alexander Dugin, on the outskirts of Moscow on Saturday night.

Russian investigators have now claimed that Dugina’s murder was prepared and carried out by Ukraine’s special services, who they said travelled to Estonia after the killing.

Earlier today, the Russian state-owned news agency Tass reported that the car bomb that killed Dugina was denoted remotely, citing a Russian law enforcement agency official.

Ukraine is bracing itself for an intensification of Russian missile attacks in the aftermath of the killing, with the country’s military warning that Russian troops had put five cruise missile-bearing warships and submarines out in the Black Sea and that Moscow was positioning air defence systems in Belarus.

If you say so.

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The Russians have also tried to pin blame for the bombing they carried out themselves on the Estonians by claiming that the fake bomber and her daughter escaped there.

It seems to me now that by far the likeliest explanation for the bombing is that Putin ordered it. The supposed insurgent group having the initials NRA would be a bit of a giveaway they’re an FSB figment.

Apparently this Ukrainian 007 has been following poor Darya around in a Mini Cooper for a few days.
The Russians are hilarious. Or at least think they are.