Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Even if there was would it not be pretty embarrassing for the Russians to admit they hadn’t a clue a Ukrainian agent was able to plant a car bomb on a prominent member of Governments car

So you’ve gotten your fanny in a twist because i said it might be an internal russian attack on Putin… Is that it? That’s all you’ve got?

No, kid. This is what I said.

Do you want to post these alleged posts?

Too many…. Not enough time

Alexander Dugin is such a crackpot that it is being speculated that he may have even offered up his daughter as a human sacrifice in order to escalate the war. And you cannot dismiss that speculation as crazy, because it has reasonable basis.

Youve some horn for this conflict @Cheasty

Its getting to the stage that youre going on ignore if you dont pull your horns in.Every fuckn time I drop in, I see a big “C” last poster on this topic.
Id focus my anger on the fact that our shower of inept clowns decided to let 40k + of them in here with no where to stay.
Let them off to fuck.Its Eastern European business.

'Tis the only the most important conflict of our lifetimes which will likely shape the world for the next century, buddy. No biggie, like.

You go on there now and whip up your anger against people fleeing war - whatever gets you through the night and all that.


I’d imagine Darya is alive & well somewhere

I’d have the Ukrainians here before you any day, you complete arsehole.


He said we should be angry that we have no where to house them? He’s right… But shur, dont let that get in the way of your bleeding heart stuff…

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We are at capacity now.

The government would be better served now for all concerned sorting proper accommodation & looking after all we’ve taken in so far.

At €200 per room per night it’s looking like more hotels will come on stream soon.
Where the money is coming from I don’t know.

A Few hotels will be shutting in Q4 I am told.

What have you decided our capacity is?

It’s €60 per room, per night?

Still phenomenal money when you don’t have to pay staff to run the hotel anymore

200 I have been told. Hotel owners finding it difficult to pass up.

What are your own figures at currently? An interesting month or so ahead as our poor students scramble for accommodation that’s not there and our Ukrainian friends get ejected from the student apartments they’re being housed in. Rental properties at an all time low too.

Its funny how there are so many hotels in dublin but there is fuck all capacity. Hotel owners hot the jackpot with the invasion, they were coining it feom direct provision and emergency housong for the last few years

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I don’t think there is that many hotels in Dublin. They were just the latest target of social media hate for a while there