Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Have the TFK bleeding hearts taken in any refugees I wonder. Have they fuck.

What’s your point?

The social media know alls have long moved on to hating on the refugees themselves.

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Im not making a point , more an observation… Just observing that the shit is going to hit the fan and both Ukrainians and Irish are gonna suffer

Sure we could all double and treble our efforts realistically. These peoples country is being blown up for no good reason at all.

It’s fairly clear to me our country is doomed economically anyway and there’ll be a recession sooner rather than later.

It’s going to be incredibly tough for people but we need to focus on ensuring education is available to as many people as possible so that if people are emigrating they are leaving the country highly qualified.

Realistically emigration is a part and parcel of our island. We are simply too small to avoid it. Thankfully with modern communication and the frequency of flights it isn’t as bad as before.

Of course they haven’t. The I’m alright jacks dont give a fuck how the poor Ukrainians are actually treated , they just want the auld Ukrainian flag on their instabooks


Has she moved out or have you?

You don’t appear to have made any point at all really. I don’t think that fuck off somewhere else is an appropriate response to refugees. We’re a very rich country, our open door was a good thing and we should keep it that way. I expect a lot of the accommodation we will provide won’t be perfect, so be it, the point is it’s safe.

Anyone grumbling about ireland accepting refugees is an extremely small and pathetic individual.

Anecdotally, I am aware of a number of offers of accommodation that have not been taken up. As in not approached for vetting or examination or even not responded to at all. It’s a shambles. I don’t understand why the job of doing this has been farmed out to the red cross who clearly don’t have the resources to do the job. Inept administration from Ireland again. I expect all the focus is on big numbers solutions and smaller offers have been ignored, I suspect there is quite a bit of untapped capacity there.

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I am fully behind taking in Ukrainians. My ire is with the fuckwits behind the logistics and the government for not tackling housing meaningfully. I wasn’t making a point, just observing that we are gonna hit a crisis soon.

We’ve been in a housing crisis for years.

Oh right. That’s fine so. Carry on.

You haven’t made a point, again.

climate change
People who are trans
Ukrainian refugees

the hate list

No, youre just stupid cunt that want’s to pontificate. We’ve added 50k people to a housing crisis at tipping point and done fuck all about it and you’re wondering what the point is? :rofl:.

“Covid was a conspiracy”
“Covid was a cod”
“The vaccines are a cod”
“The vaccines are state sponsored murder”
“That De Santis is a great fella”
“It was NATO’s fault”
“Liverpool supporters were to blame for Hillsborough”
“Club matters more than inter-county”

The edgelord™ mantras.

Id say this is the line that @glasagusban responded to @Thomas_Brady

@Assumpta_Gilhooley has but he is is super woke

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@Midshipman_Asha has taken in a few too. A few other fellas cleared out their utility rooms, took some pictures, posted them on the internet, and left it at that.

My basement is currently at capacity.


Mr Bird raises some valid points all the same.