Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Liverpool fans were responsible for Heysel mate. Think you’ve got the wrong stadium disaster there.

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Sure he knows well what I was responding to.

That’s completely wrong anyway. If you want to go around calling people stupid cunts you should try not to show yourself up to be such a stupid cunt in the same breath.

Another bit of pontificating… The usual auld bluster.

as usual there can’t be any reasonable conversations had around this topic.

there are legitimate questions around infrastructure to be asked around an open door policy to ensure the people coming in and the people already living here can be catered for adequately, ask those questions and you’re the next Hitler


It’s standard around here. As always, there’s a cohort that like to appear and sound liberal but they’ve zero concern for the practicality of anything.

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“Let them off to fuck, its Eastern European business” is not a way to start a reasonable conversation. So when that is criticised, it is right to do so. Dont excuse that as not having a reasonable discussion over infrastructure.


Maybe poor Bird cant find accommodation because Ukrainians have put huge pressure on available housing in his areas and he’s just extremely frustrated and frightened for his family’s future.

What are those questions? What are the implications of those questions?

Have you given an answer that what our capacity is ?

Where are these people going to be educated? School starts up soon and there are already waiting lists in our schools, especially in rural areas

How are they going to get to/from schools? Many of them are sutuated outside reasonable walking distance

What is the long term strategy, are they here forever? Grand, whats the policy around language and education for support for adults.

Has the burden on the healthcare system which is already fucked been considered i presume many of these people will have mental health needs beyond which we have the capability for. What happens there? Have they got the support they need ?

Will we now be expected to do this for evey single humanitarian crisis? If not why not? Why this one ?

It seems like the policy is just to get these people in without much thought for anybodies well being long term

Just getting them in as quick as possible without infrastructure is wrong

Many people who went in to direct provision in this country wish they never set foot here, these people will bethe same


You’re worse for actually pointing out the obvious.

A very well reasoned post with good questions posed.

Watch them completely ignore it and build another strawman.

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What rural schools have waiting lists? Rural schools are usually crying out for pupils


Depends on the proximity of a large town to a rural school. Townies love their town, but generally dont wish to have their kids educated in said town if at all possible.

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there are massive waiting lists for the preschool and primary out where I am.

How are these Ukrainian kids going to get to the really rural schools

What’s your suggestion so? Tell people to fuck off somewhere else?

It’s a crisis. The biggest war and refugee crisis in Europe since WWII. Of course it’s not going to be perfect. What do you expect? Would you ever cop on to yourself.

I sent my children to a rural school further away rather than send them to school in the town.

Like the way the lads that love the bones of Limerick are below in Cark?

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Maybe slow down on the intake until you at least put some semblance of a plan in place for them, fix some of the issues.

Sticking them in to test centres and the City West seems a bit counter productive to me

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