Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)


He didn’t mention a lot of other serious darker knock on issues that often follow suit when swathes of refugees with poor language and/or education settle in a society… That’s more hearsay for now tho.

And all the Dubs below in Portarlington are bigger Dubs than the fellas above in Dublin.

Counter productive to what? Fleeing war?

Those who claim to want to have a “reasonable conversation” never criticise those who obviously don’t and just want to abuse refugees.

Is that around Saleen, that school seems to have a great reputation? But they’d surely never turn a local away?

But I’ve never heard of a rural school with a waiting list, usually they have posters up recruiting


Fleeing a shit situation to end up in a slightly less shit situation. There needs to be a strategy and joined up thinking here. Just rotating them through the City West isn’t a great fucking solution mate.

I’m asking questions and you’re getting arsey… the usual

Saleen and Aghada. I’m not talking about refusing anybody, I’m talking about extra burden on small schools. My girl had to go on a waiting list for Aghada, both pre and primary school

Whitegate has loads of places but not enough teachers.

There are a load of refugees housed in Trabolgan. It’s going to be a mess getting them schooled around here. There are 31 kids in my daughters Senior Infants already

You may forget about MIdleton and Carrigtwohill, rammed, as are the secondary schools

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Maybe we should ask Putin to slow down his war a smalleen while until we clear the city West? We can promise to let him know when a few beds for a few more refugees open up and he can lash off a few bombs again then? Is that what you mean by slow down intake and joined up thinking?

Do you grasp that people are fleeing a war and it’s an emergency? Emergency situations aren’t usually perfect.




“Slowing down the intake” just creates a bottleneck further back the chain.

Seems a bit counterproductive.

What’s your “plan” to deal with that?

we have our own emergencies here mate… do you grasp that? We can’t house our own people. We can’t get our own people through mental health supports quick enough. These are also emergencies.

having a revolving door refugee policy while noble and all that, at the moment isn’t the best idea. Would you not agree?

All the telltale phrases of the usual type radicalised by the INTERNET.

you build that into you contingencies while coming up with a plan other than, fuck them into tents in hotels. they’ll be grand.

Any bit of strategy at all is better in the long run

OK don’t engage. I didn’t bring the term emergency in to it pal… apparently if you say emergency then all bets are off

Don’t fall into the trap, there is no talking sense to some of these lads on these matters. The chief lunatic is circling now best leave it off.


the consensus seems to be get as many of them in as possible, with no plan on how to accommodate them in Irish society…

that’ll work

It doesn’t matter it’s the right thing to do now and all subsequent consequences are irrelevant, pile in as many as possible. Or something like that.

They’ve had six months to implement measures, it’s not like we only had our first influx last week.
You’d have a few buildings built in that time housing accommodation space, a nurse and a small class room for teaching English and the likes in, all done in no time. Im sure these buildings could be commandeered for community or refugees purposes down the road.

We’ll have Ukrainians in tents over winter

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Signs on not one of the questions has been answered or even thought about…

I’ve just been insulted, a couple of times…

As i said, you can’t even talk about these things any more