Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Sorry but that’s nonsensical pie in the sky stuff. This by nature is a chaotic situation. It’s a chaotic situation everywhere. 12 million people have been displaced. Over 5 million have left Ukraine and this is not even an up to date figure.

There is no “strategy” that can deal properly with this problem.

Offloading the responsibility to other countries is not an answer.

Ireland has taken in about 40k refugees from Ukraine. To the best of my maths that’s still under the average when spread across Europe.

that’s not an excuse not have any strategy at all. Just fucking them in tents is inhumane, at least to me… You might be ok with it.

He has two forms of rebuttal, insult or post a twitter link from some woke nutjob.


As always, claim fake victimhood. If you want to adopt the tactics of the extreme right, expect to get called out on it.

That’s free speech.

No questions answered, another insult. Nice debate guys, have a nice day

The right wing post took slightly longer than usual but there it is, form an orderly queue.

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I’ll leave those questions open if anyone could propose some mitigation around these issues without getting hysterical, I’ll love to hear some possible solutions

Why should you think you should be immune from challenge when you adopt all the stock phrases of the far right?

Go on, tell us why.

The likes of you are not one bit interested in debate and you’re certainly not one bit interested in the plight of Irish homeless. I’ve seen this play out hundreds of times, thousands of times here and elsewhere.

Always the same outcome.

The sad, sorry reality is that this horrible war could last indefinitely. Nobody knows.

We are a small country. I think it’s a perfectly reasonable question to ask how the country will cope if this time next year we have 100k/250k displaced Ukrainian people in the country.

That’s not an uncaring or callous question to pose, IMO.


I’d believe it.

no answer to the fairly open questions yet? No…

Do you not think we have a housing emergency ? Am I not allowed to say that?

Wait until the Ukrainians turn down the covid vaccine in Winter… That’ll put some folk in a awkward spot


Shoot any fucker who doesnt take it.

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We know what your “solution” is. You’ve told us. You want to stop taking refugees into the country. Sure any other country could just say the same then, and some do.

You simply want to offload the responsibility onto other countries. Another stock right wing cliche is to preach “responsibility”. You say Ireland should have no responsibilty.

An easy answer.

That’s a total moral vaccuum.

We better get at least one decent baller out of all this.


It will be great to see the awkward squad grow in numbers in fairness.

I never said I wanted to stop talking in refugees. I said slow it down while we build a strategy outside of fucking them in to tents. Make sure there is a tenable situation to provide them basic civil liberties when they do arrive here.

You made all the rest up. You’re a very dishonest person.

You just want 100’s of thousands of them fucked in to tents on the side of the M7.

I have asked you questions and you refuse to answer them.

You genuinely think you are a victim and that refugees aren’t.

The same coddled, lazy, entitled, self-pitying worldview peddled by all the right wing gobshites here.

You haven’t a clue.


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A couple of things here. The intake of Ukrainians is now quite slow i believe. Also, they are moved very quickly through citywest and off to accomodation and there are very few of them there now. Many that are have specific medical needs and some of these rooms are classed as medical rooms of care. Citywest is now full of people who arent Ukrainian. Britain very much closed it’s borders and many of what would have been ‘their’ refugees have come over here.
As per last year, many of the schools with capacity in secondary were the deis type schools in towns. They are taking the brunt of the load in post primary within dublin. Most secondaries will be able to squeeze some in. I’d imagine a large accomodation centre like trabolgan will have a special arrangement made (buses) as its probably not possible to cater locally. Non of this is perfect but they are the solutions that were found. The government seems to be happy to write cheques but has pretty much peft it all tone department, DCYA as opposed to sharing out the load or making a special task force which has certainpy adversely affected the situation.