Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

again no answer and more made up shite… You aren’t a very nice or honest person, I won’t engage with you any more

post of the year i think from him

Now there’s dishonesty for ya.

Biscuit taken.

I could be wrong but i thought i read something about uptake among Ukrainians being low. And a distrust of vaccines… Be grand tho.



You won’t because you can’t. Because you’re not honest. Like all the right wing charlatans here.

And we know from many years experience just what the likes of you and the right wing charlatans here are like as people.

Yis barely qualify as such.

And you sitting on your hole pontificating here 24/7 claiming welfare for some mental disorder no doubt.

What exactly do you mean by a waiting list? Was there a risk that your kids wouldn’t get a place in your local school?
Sorry, this is probably a little off topic now, just wondering, rural schools are generally crying out for kids, often a big influx will net them an extra teacher

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You’re not wrong. I think their uptake is around 25% of the population.

what accomodation?

Doesn’t sound feasible.

This isn’t good enough and it appears you can’t question it

Youd forget how many extra things they lumped in when they realised the greens would take everything they were given.

we are passionate about equality mate

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Yes, there was a risk you’d be sent down to Whitegate school which has a terrible reputation and fuck all teachers. It basically shouldn’t even be open. There was a risk you wouldn’t get in to the preschool at all. We’ve had to apply for secondary schools in Midleton and Carrigtwohill already and there are no guarantees

You should probably look into that for yourself. You are a deeply unwell person and demonstrably despise not just yourself but everybody else in this world. Well, except those who seek to destroy it and cause chaos and hardship in it.

I knew you were a moocher.

Cry me a river.

Toughen up.

Keep 'em coming… Fire up the tents

Have they running water and electricity, basic sanitary requirements met?.. fuck it… get them in… MORE

Accomodation that has become free around this time of year. For example seaside towns that close up for winter. Have @the_limericks put out the feelers around kilkee and you’ll see that many guest houses/small hotels who usually closed around this time are now taking in Ukrainians instead of shutting up shop as usual. Who knows, it might breathe a bit of life into ciuntry towns or Klare hurling.

Around schools not sounding feasible, im sorry it doesnt sound feasible to you. There’s honestly nothing i can do about your closed mindset.

Schools and teachers are very resourceful id find when they want to be and the genuine wish to educate people is powerful. Deis schools in towns have capacity because for years people have turned up their noses at them and pupil numbers were dropping. Post primary has much more fluidity with numbers and capacity because classes are split for options etc so many classes are not full.
None of the above is perfect but its a start.

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Period poverty a real concern too.


squeezing some in doesn’t sound like a joined up strategy for integrating these refugees in to our Education System… How many of them have basic English? What will the translator situation be like if they haven’t enough English to be educated? I’m fairly open minded mate.

There needs to a less unilateral solution than just taking them in and seeing what happens.

Until we have proper procedures in place, slow down the bottlenecks in City West and other temporary accomodations, sort out procedures and policies, do a pledged housing drive, get agreements in place, get translators, get school transports sorted.

Flying by the seat of your pants while adding more problems to an already overburdened society won’t help anybody at all.