Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Id agree with you. It’s not what @Johnbird or @estebandaface is saying above though.
This winter could well be horrendous for people all over europe.

Except @HBV who’ll be preying on these poor Ukrainian women with a wad of 50s.

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We’ll cope just fine, it’s the least we can do. It is an entirely uncaring and callous question.

Fuck off outta that now you. Virtue signalling from the cunts already sucking of the public purse tit is what its about. Logic doesn’t come into it

“Putin would you shlow down there a minute while we build a strategy ta fuck”

We… You’ll be posting staged pictures of your smash burger feeling all smug while the Ukrainians are freezing in a tent.

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You are proposing less be done, not just in a refugee sense but in terms of the war itself.

The ideology you cheerlead will lead to a genocide and mass migration far and away worse than what is already happening, and what is already happening is a historical disaster and outrage.

These are extremist opinions dressed up to look reasonable.

This is not your real concern, is it?

Have you ever visited a refugee camp anywhere? Have you ever seen pictures of them on the news? What is it you do not understand about fleeing war? The point is to get to safety, whether that’s in Citywest or in a tent it’s better than where they’re coming from.

Where do you want people fleeing war to go to while we decide to slow down? A poorer country somewhere else where the population are not as miserly and mean-spirited?

I already championed building communal buildings to house, educate and provide a level of healthcare for Ukrainians. It’s only a few posts up…it won’t house and solve everything and everyone but it beats the shite system we currently have. People can be moved to more permanent housing and/or employment from such places… Right now we are kicking them from hotel, to student accom, to tent and then cramming them into any free house/apartment/room…

We’ve taken in two million but you won’t hear me blowing about it.


Are Poles taking them into their homes? Not many Irish are, the initial figures were over inflated apparently. There was a renewed request lately for Irish people to take them in.



A lot of people have taken them into their homes. Or into the many rental properties that they all seem to own. Also people have been dispersed across the country not just into the large cities like Warsaw and Krakow. Schools are accomodating. It’s a simple case of the Gubberment telling the schools to get on with it and accomodate them.



The Poles are great bunch tbf.

Well it is a war you know. All the cities over here are built on bones.

yep, thats why he is the go to poster around here


On accommodating people in tents, it’s not like they’re throwing a group into a tent on top of each other. Tents can be weather proofed, they’re divided into units. It’s absolutely not ideal and especially not for winter, but it is absolutely preferable to being bombed and it’s absolutely preferable to saying sorry no room to people fleeing war.

Saying no to refugees is despicable, pure and simple. You’d wonder have lads any comprehension of our own history at all.

Perhaps she was wearing special anti-burn moisturiser.

This is the mystery that just keeps on giving.

By the way, I gave a lift to a hitchhiker the other day who turned out to be a Ukrainian las on his holidays. Had always been his dream to come to Ireland but couldn’t get a visa, the visa waiver meant he could visit though. He loved it, toured for ten days, mad about the history and the language. He works for the rail company in Kyiv, which is pretty vital currently, had a brother in the army and his father retired in Kyiv.

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