Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

This is all just rubbish.

You’ve gone from putin tried to kill him because he was too extreme and accidentally took out his daughter, the Ukrainians tried to kill him and mistakenly killed his daughter, then he killed his own daughter so he can be even more crazy and then back to putin killing Her so he can drive your man on to go a bit more mental.

This stuff just isn’t going to be on twitter. You are just cherry picking from a bunch of guessers making things up.

The Ukrainians are very welcome here. Whatever minor inconvenience they may cause. The Irish have fled all over the World for centuries, a small bit of pay back won’t kill us


Everybody’s guessing buddy, that’s the point, because little about it makes sense.

What we do know for sure is that the FSB’s “explanation” is bullshit. I think we can likely rule out that Ukraine did it at this stage.

Putin almost certainly didn’t try to kill Alexander Dugin because he was too extreme. I’d say at this stage it’s likely he didn’t try to kill him at all and that his daughter was the target.

You seem to have some firm opinions so why don’t you offer them?

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I think most of us would agree with thst. But i haven’t seen @TreatyStones offer to do a barbecue for them yet, the selfish git.

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It would help if the government had a plan though for a couple of reasons.

I know of a guy trying to hire a few and it made no financial sense for them to work and he’s stuck for the staff.

I can’t see our crowd coming up with any plan and no doubt in time that’ll cause issues which will lead to resentment towards them.

Anyone with any other attitude would want to have a long hard look at themselves.


My opinion is that its a pity he wasn’t in the car but I’m not sure it makes any difference.

It would. They are on their summer holidays at the moment though and Leo is busy doing the newspaper circuit telling everyone it’s not good enough and what he would do if only he was in government

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Would have have any sympathy for the innocent car in all of this?

This seems unlikely. Are they on the PUP is it?

Like I see there is a lot of them in a hotel in ballyferritter and then you here other businesses crying out for people to work in other areas of the country.

Obviously it’s tough logistically.

Childcare was the big issue.

Most of them are women with kids. I’d imagine it’s difficult for them to work

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It was a complete of mix all ages when I was in there doing my recycling a couple of weeks back.

Trying to find work down there would be impossible anyway even if you were trying to find work.

The governments compete lack of ideas or a plan will back fire sooner rather than later.

The ballsbridge hotel as far as I know is completely empty and you’d find work fairly quick in Dublin.

Hows what happened 200 years ago relevant today? What a pure wank of an argument. Irish people need visas and or jobs or to go to countries illegally now. Condoning the irsh going to Americas, Africa, Australia 200 years as reason to open our doors to anyone but you’ll dismiss the historical grievances of native peoples the irish ousted from their own lands historically… You lot are a sorry, contradictory lot.

“No blacks, no dogs, no Ukrainians.”

“Well tis no wonder the country is fucked so it is!” - MB Snr

@Thomas_Brady is also homophobic

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The Lakota people are still suffering because of you bog Irish bastards.

Apologies that makes more sense.