Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Lots of people have argued otherwise harry. Not as much on here, but many people are saying they should go home again as the majority if the country is safe.

A couple of people i know had to travel back to kiev recently and it took them 24 hours and going through 3 countries to get from Dublin to Kiev. And much the same coming back. The infrastructure out there has been decimated and destroyed. Another i spoke to is in turmoil as her son is still there and needs to get to university but his main choices are Odesa and Kherson, neither of which are safe or free from daily attack. People think because its not on the news anymore or that Kiev wasnt captured that it is fine there again. And there are a lot of them around who think that.

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The Russians can pop a rocket over anywhere. That’s the problem. Nowhere is safe.,Some people are going over and back across the border and some hope to move for the schools opening. There are still 20000+ a day leaving though.


I’d have no issues with taking in people fleeing War.

It is apparent that Russia under Putin want to fill Europe with refugees and stir up more Nationalist / Racists elements in those Countries.

Ireland needs to get its House in order as regards housing.
We need to sort out unused buildings and modernise them into attractive units.

Create modern units without turning sods. Upgrade & use what we currently have.

Create work and liveable homes for all needs & wants.

It’s not fair leaving the housing issue stir up emotions of Irish not being housed instead of Ukrainians. The rhetoric is disgusting but it’s fuelled by poor lazy governance too.


Didn’t some Multinationals such as Starbucks & McDonalds look to start reopening.

It’s clear Ukrainians want to get back living.

Putin the horrible cunt wants to create continual chaos

Kyiv is pretty much back to normal, traffic jams etc.,

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Your local situation is similar to mine.

It doesn’t really answer any of my questions to be fair.

There is no strategy for any of this at a national level outside of depending on the good will of people. That will not work long term mate. This will get worse, a lot worse before it gets better. If there were 500, 600 refugees in the current locality, how would it look then? With no official supports or structures in place for them

These people have been granted temporary protection by the EU which means they have a right to education, residence and work.

We arent in a position to grant whats here now those rights, we can’t just bring them in without a plan to provide them those rights.

It isnt what-aboutery either. The syrian migration pre-covid has done massive damage to the displaced Syrians and Germans as it wasnt handled correctly. They were never integrated and its caused huge societal issues.

Taking one big (real bad) localised issue and making it into multiple big (real bad) issues globally is not the solution. Saturate supports in the regions surrounding the Ukraine first, where there won’t be language barriers, or massive cultural issues. While that is happening allow us and other EU countries get their shit together to do this properly.

Mass migration done incorrectly is one of the wins Putin will get from this war

Yeah there is an increased labour force here that could help solve two problems, housing Irish and housing refugees. There is a lot of public owned housing stock that needs upgrading or refurbishing, thats an easy quick target that could work

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They’re going to a goats house looking for wool there with you anyway.

Have you opened up your house pal?

That’s that so

Fucking cagers.

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Ukrainian Independence today tomorrow August 24th was always likely to be a special target.

Darya Dugina was a ritual sacrifice to ramp things up.

Well said

Darya Fake News Duguina

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Hard luck mate, it was a noble effort.

Landscape Tumbleweed GIF


Fun fact: The English translation of Esteban is Ewan.

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Looks like the Russians haven’t escalated anything yet despite this being freedom day or whatever.