Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Fuck sake mate, dont provoke them.

Glass half-full :thread:

There’s a few on here on their knees praying for a Russian attack today


It’s a sickness.

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Regarding the schools, when it comes to in-class and educational attainment, most kids won’t be effected. Kids are brilliant really, teach each other and themselves basically. The round tables are great, not like years ago…

The kids that will suffer are the young fellas that try hard and are just hanging on academically, but dont come in under the threshold for extra help.

The kids that that mightn’t get it the first time, the fifth time, the tenth time but they might get it the twentieth time on a Thursday afternoon because the SNA has a spare 10 minutes and the kid tries his best all the time.

The job here, I think, is to keep Ukranian kids back for an extra hour Monday-Thursday for intensive EAL. They’ll ate the ground up that way and it will mitigate the extra help they need in-class. 30 minutes EAL, Last 20 looking ahead at what they will be doing tomorrow.

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I only wanted an ole holiday. Wouldnt want to wate a good crisis to scam people in the name of charity

Hi Ewan. Great to have you back

Apparently a lot of the schools in the Ukraine are still open or have reopened.

Some remote facilities could be set up if the places they’ve been dumped have broadband

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They need to do something, as you say, its shaping to be a shitshow.

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You can’t say that pal. You’ll be called a fascist

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That’s what a lot of places were doing before the summer. Connecting back in remotely to their schools in Ukraine


I get where you’re coming from man, you’ve small kids, you’ve got to fight their corner. Department would fire them in there with 50 others and close the door, not giving a fuck.

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From where though? I cant imagine the broadband is great in Cahermoyle house… how many Ukranians are there now?

You’re being harsh on the Dept of Education there mate, class sizes are reducing all the time, it’ll cost money obviously but I’m sure they’ve a plan. I haven’t heard huge concerns like this outside of TFK

How much would it cost to bring Wi-Fi in Cahermoyle up to scratch @estebandaface

How are you sure they have a plan? Has it been communicated to you?

I have no idea how much it would cost to set up remote learning facilities in cahermoyle.

Probably am, hopefully it all goes off smoothly anyway. I’m just always sceptical of anything that can cut into the amount of time young fellas get. Even if its just talking about bloody Bruno Fernandes or something!

No more than the lack of a plan was communicated to anybody else. But recent history would suggest that the dept are trying to reduce class sizes.

Sorry, I thought you might have more insight than me into how much it would approximately cost to bring Wi-Fi in Ardagh up to standard, most of rural Ireland is capable of supporting remote learning at this stage

I dont know what the first sentence means, so no plan was communicated to you, a teacher, a week before the schools go back after a long holiday, but you’re sure the department has a plan. Ok

A fine way to talk about people fleeing war.

I was delighted to see you back mate, but you’re making a complete show of yourself the more you reply on this thread.

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I’m sorry,
Do you believe that the Department of Education needs to be communicating their plans for educating Ukrainian refugees to every teacher in the country?
A circular may well have been released but I certainly haven’t read it